Samsung Star..
may get the Samsung Wave if the $$ is reasonable..
Jailbroke iphone 3GS.
SE Vivaz
SE K800I
Samsung Omnia 2
My lao po k530i 2 year old liao..... still going strong....
iphone 3GS 16 MB cos it was cheaper to get something that will allow me to use phone and surf internet on my notebook (internet tethering) without having to look for a wifi loc.
ban theme & guess plz..
SE Satio
fireice.... mine is aino... so we are related!! song ah...
dun anyhow try to pull strings
Satio is Satio
Aino is Aino
its like brother n sister.... under one family.
Originally posted by FireIce:dun anyhow try to pull strings
Satio is Satio
Aino is Aino
why not u say we breathe the same air?
TnG tio slap in teh face~
Originally posted by FireIce:why not u say we breathe the same air?
but we do...
same line, same air
mi is not brother and sister with fireice
mi is �夫�妻 with fireice
Originally posted by QX179R:ban theme & guess plz..
refer to quote..
iPhone 3GS
Nokia 8850