Hola! China One (a club at Clark Quay) will be hosting a FIESTA Night starting at the last week of September (and from thereon at the first week and last week of every month) for you to learn, showcase, or just brush up on your Latin dance moves!
This will be a free public event and anyone is welcome to join the party, with or without dance experience. As a reward for dance groups with at least 30pax, China One will be giving a treat--a free drink for everyone in the group.
If you would like to be featured as our instructor of the night, do let us know so that we can arrange accordingly. This is an opportunity for you to promote your dance club/group and recruit more members.
If you are interested to participate in this fun-filled night, email us at marketing[at]watsinside.com! Please let us know which days of the last week of September you will be available: Tuesday, Wednesday, and/or Thursday night.