Oz gavaman finds free needle & syringe save lives & billions $.
''For syringes found in the local community - we will come and pick them up.''
read below...then u know syringes can be found in oz.......
U read correctly.Oz gavaman have given free needle and syringe
for almost 20 years to drugs addicts .This NSP
can save lives from HIV and hepatitis C and saving billions
of dollars in curing them when drugs addicts infected
with shared needle and syringe.
Oz gavaman claimed--
''This has meant that in Australia, HIV infection is very rare among both injecting
drug users and the wider community. In some countries, such as the United
States and parts of Europe, where Needle and Syringe Programs were not
established in time, HIV spread rapidly among injecting drug users and to the
wider community through sexual contact. In Australia, the level of HIV infection
among people who inject drugs has remained around 1%, compared to other
countries with levels over 50%.'''
Needle and Syringe Program: Your questions answered (PDF 144 KB)
Needle and Syringe Program: A review of the evidence (PDF 215 KB)
2.Have Oz gavaman sent the wrong signal to young people and drugs lords?
while we can understand the benefits of the NSP,we also have to look at
the down side of the programme.
Does it mean Oz alredy given up in drugs problems?
I think so.They always say,''If u cant defeat them,join them!!''
Oz have provided air cond and safe Injection Room to addicts since
few years ago.
I dunt know Oz tax payers also so kind to provide Needle etc to addicts.
In this way,i think Oz gavaman shall monopoly selling drugs
and make more $$ and reduce tax!!
3.Look at the services on ground
They proivde Dial a Needle services!!I lost the link!!
Foot Patrol Needle and Syringe Program
''Youth Projects’ Foot Patrol is a street-based outreach Needle and
Syringe Program located in Melbourne’s Central Business District. It
provides clients with free access to new sterile needles and syringes,
along with a range of other services. Visit Youth Projects Incorporated for full details.
Other needle and syringe programs
To find a Needle and Syringe Program near you, contact DirectLine on 1800 888 236.''
Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 5.00pm
(03) 9781 1622
(03) 9781 3669
nights per week: 6.30pm - 9.45pm
Freecall: 1800 642 287
0417 345 750
For syringes found in the local community - we will come and pick them up.
If u stay in oz,u have to sleep with this problem.
Oz gavaman just take
''problematic drug use as a public health, rather than a criminal justice issue''.
In this mind set,u cant tackle the problem!!
Like this Melbourne gavaman message--
''Nearly all people in our communities consume drugs of some sort, whether it be legal drugs, prescription drugs or illegal drugs. Although much of the drug use in our communities does not cause problems, some drug use can have extremely negative effects on individuals, families and the broader community. Harm reduction strategies treat such instances of problematic drug use as a public health, rather than a criminal justice issue. They aim to maximise the health and wellbeing of individuals, their families and the community as a whole.''
A very loud and noisy pussy indeed! Can only spout nonsense.