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Benefits In Reciting And Holding The Great Compassion Mantra
If humans and gods recite and hold the phrases of the Great Compassion Mantra, then when they approach the end of life, all the Buddhas of the ten directions will come to take them by the hand to rebirth in whatever Buddhaland they wish, according to their desire.
Should any living beings who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion fall into the three evil paths, I vow not to realise the right enlightenment. Should any living being who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not be reborn in any Buddhaland, I vow not to realise the right enlightenment. Should any living being who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not obtain unlimited samadhis and eloquence, I vow not to realise the right enlightenment. Should any living being who recites and holds the spiritual mantra of Great Compassion not obtain the fruits of whatever is sought in this very life, then he cannot have been making proper use of the Dharani of the Great Compassion Heart.
People and gods who recite and hold the Great Compassion Mantra will obtain fifteen kinds of good birth and will not suffer fifteen kinds of bad death.
The bad deaths are:
1. They will not die of starvation or privation
2. They will not die from having been yoked, imprisoned, caned or otherwise beaten
3. They will not die at the hands of hostile enemies
4. They will not be killed in military battle
5. They will not be killed by tigers, wolves, or other evil beasts
6. They will not die from the venom of poisonous snakes, black serpents, or scorpions
7. They will not drown or be burned to death
8. They will not be poisoned to death
9. They will not die as a result of sorcery
10. They will not die of madness or insanity
11. They will not be killed by landslides or falling trees
12. They will not die of nightmares sent by evil people
13. They will not be killed by deviant spirits or evil ghosts
14. They will not die of evil illnesses which bind the body
15. They will not commit suicide
Those who recite and hold the spiritual Mantra of Great Compassion will not suffer any of these fifteen kinds of bad death and will obtain the following fifteen kinds of good birth:
1. Their place of birth will always have a good king
2. They will always be born in a good country
3. They will always be born at a good time
4. They will always meet good friends
5. The organs of their body will always be complete
6. Their heart will be pure and full in the way
7. They will not violate the prohibitive precepts
8. Their family will be kind and harmonious
9. They will always have the necessary wealth and goods in abundance
10. They will always obtain the respect and help of others
11. They riches will not be plundered
12. They will obtain everything they seek
13. Dragons, gods, and good spirits will always protect them
14. In the place where they are born they will see the Buddha and hear the Dharma
15. They will awaken to the profound meaning of that Proper Dharma which they hear.
Those who recite and hold the Great Compassion Mantra will obtain these fifteen kinds of good birth. All gods and people should constantly recite and hold it.
Following is the video clip. The 1st one is a longer version which I like because I like the 1st part. The Mantra is somewhere in the middle part (3:00). The 2nd link is only the mantra. It is easier to learn by listening to CD or VCD.
I've been meaning to learn the Great Compassion Mantra but not sure whether to learn the Chinese version or the Sanskrit one. For other mantras, I've always been learning them in Sanskrit.
Originally posted by realization:I've been meaning to learn the Great Compassion Mantra but not sure whether to learn the Chinese version or the Sanskrit one. For other mantras, I've always been learning them in Sanskrit.
I would advise you to learn the Chinese version. If you go to the local temples, they usually chant in Chinese version and I believe it is easier.
通天徹地的,一念大悲咒,天上的天神,都è¦�æ�æ�敬敬的來è�½ä½ 誦咒,一切鬼,都è¦�å�ˆèµ·æŽŒä¾†ï¼Œè·ªåœ¨é‚£å…’é�œè�½ä½ 誦大悲咒。
The above means when you chant Guan Yin Pusa's The Great Compassion Mantra, all the heavenly gods will kneel down and listen respectfully to your chanting.
1.å�—æ— ã€�å–�罗怛那ã€�哆罗夜耶(Na Mo, Ha La Da Na, Duo La Ye Ye)
2.å�—æ— ã€�阿唎耶(Na Mo, Ou Li Ye)
3.婆�羯���钵罗耶(Po Lu Jie Di, Shuo Bo La Ye)
4.���埵婆耶(Pu Ti Sa Duo Po Ye)
5.摩诃�埵婆耶(Mo He Sa Duo Po Ye)
6.摩诃�迦�尼迦耶(Mo He, Jia Lu Ni Jia Ye)
8.�皤罗罚曳(An,Sa Bo La Fa Yi)
9.数怛那怛写(Shu Da Na Da Xia)
10.å�—æ— ã€�悉å�‰æ —埵ã€�伊蒙阿唎耶(Na Mo, Xi Ji Li Duo, Yi Meng Ou Li Ye)
11.婆����室佛罗愣驮婆(Po Lu Ji Di, Shi Fu La Leng Tuo Po)
12.å�—æ— ã€�那罗谨墀(Na Mo, Na La Jin Chi)
13.醯利.摩诃皤哆沙咩(xi Li ,Mo He Ba Duo Sha Mi)
14.�婆.阿.他豆输朋(Sa Po. Ou .Ta Dou Shu Peng)
15.阿é€�å•(Ou Shi Yun)
16.�婆�哆�那摩婆�哆(Sa Po Sa Duo, Na Mo Po Sa Duo)那摩婆伽(Na MoPo Qie)
17.摩罚特豆(Mo Fa Te Dou)
18.怛侄他(Da Zi Ta)
19.唵,阿婆�醯.(An, Ou Po Lu Xi)
20.�迦�( Lu Jia Di)
21.迦罗�(Jia Luo Di)
22.夷醯唎(Yi Xi Li)
23.摩诃.���埵(Mo He. Pu Ti Sa Duo)
24.�婆�婆(Sa Po Sa Po)
25.摩罗摩罗(Mo La Mo La)
26.摩醯摩醯ã€�唎驮å•ï¼ˆMo Xi Mo Xi, Li Tuo Yun)
27.俱�俱��羯蒙(Ju Lu Ju Lu, Jie Meng)
28.度�度��罚�耶�(Du Lu Du Lu, Fa She Ye Di)
29.摩诃�罚�耶�(Mo He, Fa She Ye Di)
30.陀罗陀罗(Tuo La Tuo La)
31.地唎尼(Di Li Ni)
32.室佛罗耶(Shi Fu La Ye)
33.�罗�罗(Zhe La Zhe La)
34.摩麼.罚摩罗(Mo Mo Fa Mo La)
35.穆�隶(Mu Di Li)
36.伊醯伊醯(Yi Xi Yi Xi)
37.室那室那(Shi Na Shi Na)
38.阿罗��佛罗�利(Ou La Sen, Fu La She Li)
39.罚沙罚�(Fa Sha Fa Sen)
40.佛罗�耶(Fu La She Ye)
41.呼嚧呼嚧.摩罗(Hu Lu Hu Lu Mo La)
42.呼嚧呼嚧醯利(Hu Lu Hu Lu Xi Li)
43.娑罗娑罗(Suo La Suo La)
44.悉唎悉唎(Xi Li Xi Li)
45.�嚧�嚧(Su Lu Su Lu)
46.��夜���夜(Pu Ti Ye, Pu Ti Ye)
47.�驮夜��驮夜(Pu Tuo Ye, Pu Tuo Ye)
48弥�唎夜(Mi Di Li Ye)
49.那罗谨墀(Na La Jin Chi)
50.地利瑟尼那(Di Li Se Ni Na)
51.波夜摩那(Po Ye Mo Na)
52.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
53.悉陀夜(Xi Tuo Ye)
54.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
55.摩诃.悉陀夜(Mo He Xi Tuo Ye)
56.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
57.悉陀喻艺(Xi Tuo Yu Yi)
58.室皤罗耶(Shi Bo La Ya)
59.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
60.那罗谨墀(Na La Jin Chi)
61.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
62.摩罗那罗(Mo la Na La)
63.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
64.悉罗僧�阿穆佉耶(Xi La Sen, Ou Mu Qie Ye)
65.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
66.娑婆摩诃�阿悉陀夜(Suo Po Mo He, Ou Xi Tuo Ye)
67.娑婆诃(Suo Po He).
68.者�罗�阿悉陀夜(Zhe Ji La, Ou Xi Tuo Ye)
69.娑婆诃(Suo Po he)
70.波陀.摩羯.悉陀夜(Bo Tuo. Mo Jie. Xi Tuo Ye)
71.娑婆诃(Suo Po He).
72.那罗谨墀.皤伽罗耶(Na La Jin Chi,Po Qie La Ye)
73.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
74.摩婆利.胜羯罗夜(Mo Po Li, Sheng Jie La Ye)
75.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
76.å�—æ— .å–�罗怛那.哆罗夜耶(Na Mo He La Da Na, Duo La Ye Ye)
77.å�—æ— é˜¿å”Žè€¶ï¼ˆNa Mo Ou Li Ye)
78.婆嚧��(Po Lu Ji Di),�皤罗夜(Suo Bo La Ye)
79.娑婆诃(Suo Po He)
81.悉殿都(Xi Dian Du)
82.漫多罗(Man Duo La)
83.跋陀耶(Ba Tuo Ye)
84.娑婆诃(Suo Po He).
note from realization: editing out advertising material from original web page where this mantra was copied from.
Originally posted by Dawnfirstlight:I would advise you to learn the Chinese version. If you go to the local temples, they usually chant in Chinese version and I believe it is easier.
Hmm yes... if I learn the Chinese version, it means I can keep up with the chanting at local temples.
OK, Chinese version it will be then!