circumcision is the worlds' most common operation how many of us in singapore are cut and how do circumcised and not circumcised people feel about thrmselves and the operation.
wow! we need a dedicated forum for this!!??
well seeing that it is such a taboo in singapore to speak about such topics......i think is good for all of us to be open and share our experiences
well....i was circumcised when i was in pri 1 at age 6 in 2000. cause i had phimosis which meant i had a tight foreskin which could not retract. furthermore my pee was like always going all over the shop and my parents were getting tired of cleaning after me.
so one day my dad observed me peeing and decided that i should be cut as soon as possible during the june holls in kk hospital.
the op was performed without any kind of anastatic and i cried like siao... i was able to see my dick getting trimed and was in alot of pain (i think the doc used a gomco clamp). after the op i satyed for the night in a c class ward with few other boys who were also cut and we were able to see each other's dicks cuse we could not wear pants.
i hated circumcision for many years due to the pain but soon forgot about it, until recently during a school camp where many of us had to shower in openly and i got to see many of my friends dicks and realised that out of a class of 39 about 10 of my clasmates had dicks similar to mine. interestingly enough the topic came up when we were talking and i got to learn more about circumcision. now i think circumcision is good so long as the child consents and would like to know more about this topic.
so plese send in your experiences wether cut or uncut..........
Wow, circumcision is just cut off skin lah, what so special. Cut one just remain cut, and those did not cut one, can choose to cut or not. But i know all muslim guys must cut.
ya but i learnt that in amarica it is like a huge debate like weather it is right or wrong and alot of people do not know about it in singapore. some who are dun even know they are and some who are not dun even know got such