Originally posted by kenneth1228:
May I know why your train has many faces? And it lags more than C651.. Cabin View Of C151=40fps,Exterior View=7FPS? C651 Cabin View=50fps, Exterior View=15fps(At least can record video) C151 Rec=2-3FPS. C651 Rec5-6fps.
At least a thousand faces
The new advert train: Chris Sawyers Locomotion
Window advert will be added soon.
Originally posted by kenneth1228:
May I know why your train has many faces? And it lags more than C651.. Cabin View Of C151=40fps,Exterior View=7FPS? C651 Cabin View=50fps, Exterior View=15fps(At least can record video) C151 Rec=2-3FPS. C651 Rec5-6fps.
May I know why are you using a lousy graphics card?
Originally posted by SBS7322B:May I know why are you using a lousy graphics card?
Is Ati Radeon 9250 and 7000 lousy graphics card?
Originally posted by willis_chong:At least a thousand faces
Is it compulsary to have a 'Thousand' Faces on the C151?
Guys, update, Im soon making a City Square Mall ad on the C151, screenshots will be posted when i have time.
Originally posted by kenneth1228:
Is it compulsary to have a 'Thousand' Faces on the C151?
1 face is only 1 side. So a simple cuboid on top of the 1G PSD (Found in the EWL / NSL underground station) would have minimally take 5 face. (1 big hole on the back lar)
Now, lets analyze a train with 2D cabin. For the most obvious part, the first train car would have 6 faces.
Then, we got the doors. 4 doors * 2 = 8 doors, and this is only one side only. Given that each door needs 2 sides, it has 16 faces.
The opposite doors = 16 faces * 2 = 32 faces.
Then we got dunno how many wheels. I suppose only front and back faces, and multiply by 2 again for 2 different sides.
Then, there are the long seats, grab poles etc. Sometimes, some of the cuboid are actually double face, just an example, the bottom of a train cannot be having the same texture as the floor texture in the car.
Now multiply it by 6 (Total 6 train cars) and you will get the amount.
And why cant you just be content with 4FPS!?
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:1 face is only 1 side. So a simple cuboid on top of the 1G PSD (Found in the EWL / NSL underground station) would have minimally take 5 face. (1 big hole on the back lar)
Now, lets analyze a train with 2D cabin. For the most obvious part, the first train car would have 6 faces.
Then, we got the doors. 4 doors * 2 = 8 doors, and this is only one side only. Given that each door needs 2 sides, it has 16 faces.
The opposite doors = 16 faces * 2 = 32 faces.
Then we got dunno how many wheels. I suppose only front and back faces, and multiply by 2 again for 2 different sides.
Then, there are the long seats, grab poles etc. Sometimes, some of the cuboid are actually double face, just an example, the bottom of a train cannot be having the same texture as the floor texture in the car.
Now multiply it by 6 (Total 6 train cars) and you will get the amount.
And why cant you just be content with 4FPS!?
I can be happy with 7-8fps, but when it comes to recording, I think i might as well not upload..
Can someone help me edit the seat and grabpoles files to lower the amount of faces?
Originally posted by kenneth1228:Can someone help me edit the seat and grabpoles files to lower the amount of faces?
Look, the only developer for this is Willis and he wants to add on more new feature such as VFDs. I wonder why he could record a test VFDs quite smooth, while you are complaning.
I see no problem uploading a 7 fps video what. Unless,you wished to make a HD version, which is not possible.
Originally posted by kenneth1228:
Is Ati Radeon 9250 and 7000 lousy graphics card?
Yes it is. It's classified under the 2nd lousiest class of graphics card (Class 4).
My graphic card is a NViDiA GeForce 9600GS and I can get at least 30 fps in exterior view for both C151 and C651.
Originally posted by SBS7322B:Yes it is. It's classified under the 2nd lousiest class of graphics card (Class 4).
My graphic card is a NViDiA GeForce 9600GS and I can get at least 30 fps in exterior view for both C151 and C651.
Any tips to get the graphics card changed?
Originally posted by Samuel Lee:Look, the only developer for this is Willis and he wants to add on more new feature such as VFDs. I wonder why he could record a test VFDs quite smooth, while you are complaning.
I see no problem uploading a 7 fps video what. Unless,you wished to make a HD version, which is not possible.
Erm, its the opposite.. 7-8fps while not rec, 2-3fps when rec, so the 2-3fps wrecks the whole video, is it possible to lower the amount of faces on the c151? But still the seats and grabpoles are there.
Originally posted by kenneth1228:
Any tips to get the graphics card changed?
Depends on your computer,such as using PCI Express (Most of the current ones) or AGP (Many Pentium 4 computers may only have AGP).
Graphics card that uses PCI Express is faster than AGP cards, but PCI Express now should be mainstream one, such that now it matters is the card itself.
Get graphics card with higher VRAM (Video RAM), GDDR the higher the better (I have a Pentium 4 PC with only DDR1 512MB RAM, using a 7300GT (AGP) with 256MB GDDR3. Moral of the story: It has no connection to the RAM u are using.) and faster clock speed, but do consider on all these, apart of budget
1: Power consumption (You may need to change your Power Supply Unit, or PSU as well. Obviously, a faster and better graphic card needs a LOT of power). Failing to consider this would simply resulting unable to turn on the computer or the existing PSU just fail in a short while (3 months ~ 6months maybe?).
2: Heat / Fan. Obviously, it (GPU / Graphic Card) uses a lot of power, and thus generate a lot of heat. Failing to consider this will overheat your computer and spoilt the equiments of GPU ETC in the worst case scenario.
Hope it helps.
Originally posted by SBS7322B:Yes it is. It's classified under the 2nd lousiest class of graphics card (Class 4).
My graphic card is a NViDiA GeForce 9600GS and I can get at least 30 fps in exterior view for both C151 and C651.
Ok, so how to change my Intel Laptop Graphic Card APART of getting a desktop OR changing the whole laptop.
I think this should not be even consider in the first place, since 9600 will come to lousy card sooner or later.
Originally posted by kenneth1228:
Any tips to get the graphics card changed?
Buy a new one and I'M NOT GONNA SPONSOR YOU.
LOL. Tried the V0.8 C151..... Looks just great!
one comment. the braking sucks.
Originally posted by SBS7322B:Buy a new one and I'M NOT GONNA SPONSOR YOU.
Relax larh.. Not I asking you to get one for me, I was just seeking advice.. T_T Dun need be so mean.
Does you know any application that can help openBVE not so lag? I need to seek help.
seriously why is it so hard to brake now
About the braking problem: I followed the actual C151 now, so you now can notice the actual C151's brakes quite weak.
Originally posted by kenneth1228:Does you know any application that can help openBVE not so lag? I need to seek help.
I suggest you lower down your recording quality, because, there is no application speed boost for OpenBVE, like some kind of optimizer for certain MMORPG games.
Well, there are 2 ways to deal with it.
1: Use certain system optimization tools that fixes various problems in your PC (Problems sometimes may not be visible)
2: Get a better desktop. Higher RAM and better graphic card certainly help a lot, but at least should have a decent processor (More than Pentium 4) and a decent Hard Disk Drive (Solid State Drive small & expensive but super fast, Hard Disk Drive is the mainstream today, and getting one with SATA and 7200RPM or above is essentially a must for nowadays)
Originally posted by kenneth1228:Does you know any application that can help openBVE not so lag? I need to seek help.
Try GMABooster. Overclocks a IntelĀ® Graphics Media Accelerator GMA 900 or GMA 950 chipsets without a need to change or modify the hardware manually. See http://www.gmabooster.com/home.htm.