Do you really think that media is the real cause of youth violence? If no, why? What are the possbile measurements that could be taken to avoid youth violence? Share your view.
No. Often people blame the media for the growing tide of violence and sexual
promiscuity prevalent in today’s youth. But it may not be this way. TV, movies, pop music and video games are not consider the real causes of youth violence also. What causes it to happen maybe namely a widespread fear of social change, coupled with economic and political trend just may have done more damage to them.
To avoid youth violence parents played an important part in their upbringing process.. Because parents are their first role models. while there are some parents that think that there no ways to avoid violent confrontations and its alright to use violence to show their anger or to solve matters.
To avoid youth violence as their parents they should teach their children some measurements to avoid confilct with others..
1. Like leaving a tense situation temporarily or find someone to talk to
2. Think of the consequences
3. Get more information about the disagreement and try to solve it
4. Think of a solution that both side will have something to gain
5. Never accept a fight from anybody
To certain extent only. Media can be a source of youth violence, however, influences by friends, relatives, family members and even yourself can be a source of youth violence too.
Most importantly,
-ownselves must know what is right or wrong,
-try not to be easily influenced by others
most importantly, think twice before you want to start a violence.
No. I think the real cause of youth violence is due to the living and social environment that they live in and their parents too. They must be their child's role model and not to fight or quarrel in front of their children as this may cause a bad impact on themselves and their children may be frightened or learn the same way their parents do when they grow up. They may use the same way as what their parents has done to each other when they fight or quarrel in front of them and they may treat them the same way when they get into fights or quarrell with their family or friends.
so to prevent youth violence to happen, they must:
No, but I would say that media play a contributing factor to teens violence.
Media is the fastest and most effective way to get spread a message and info. The internet is full of violence and it is available to anyone not just teen. But research have show that teens in particular serve the web at least 3 to 5 hour a day. And they are constantly exposed to all this crap. Other than that channel like MTV and television program like WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) also play a part. Rap artist like Eminem like to express their angry feeling and strong words in the lyric. All these violence would increase the likelihood of aggressive and violent behaviour in viewer which in this case is the teen.
The study, by Dr. Robert H. DuRant, a professor at Wake Forest University have show that for those who watched wrestling, the study showed a higher incidence of starting a fight with a date, being a victim of a date fight, carrying a gun, driving while intoxicated and non-prescription Ritalin use.
However Violence is a social problem. A child family, peers, race relation, economic, school and community are the critical factors that contribute to the likelihood that a young person will engage in violence.
In most cases, young people learn at home, in school, from the media, and their peers how to respond to conflicts and other situation with violence. Children are people watcher; they learn how to behave by watching other people around them. They learn from characters on TV, in video games and in movie they also learn how you act toward your friends, family member and neighbours. So in conclusion the environment where a child grows up in plays an important factor that he or she will engage in violence.
Effective preventive programs and initiative must be developed with broad-based participation, organisation, communities and individuals, all of whose involvement is necessary for a large-scale impact.
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