Youngsters should not modify their diet
the case of Muay Thai boxers in their early or middle teens attempts to
reduce body weight cannot be recommended (unless you are specifically
directed to do so by a qualified physician with special knowledge of
children’s weight problems). Diet modifications in youngsters can have grave health implications.
Its actually quite standard to know how to control your diet.. But i ripped this off from the internet.
1) *Follow a basic guideline of 50% carb 30% protein 20% fat
2) *Select correct number of calories per pound of bodyweight (divide by 2.2 = KG)
a) 10 for a sedentary (no training)
b) 15 for light training (1x per day)
c) 20 for hard training (2x per day)
(E.G. 160lbs x 15 (training once per day) = 2400 total calories
1200 cal = carb 720 cal = protein 480 cal = fat)
*This is just a basic outline to follow to get started, adjustments
will be made later in program to account for the many different
Metabolic Types and calorie needs.
3) Keep a nutritional diary
4) Increase H20 consumption (one ounce per pound of bodyweight)
5) Eat 5-6x small meals per day
6) Choose lower Glycemic Index carbohydrates (the Glycemic Index
indicates how rapidly food is broken down into Glucose, the lower G.I.
foods are better for blood sugar regulation)
7) Increase intake of Vegetables
8) No Fruit Juice
9) No processed foods
10) NO SOFT DRINKS including diet sodas (Beware of Aspartame)
11) Whenever possible always choose Organic products!!!
Proteins are the building blocks for our bodies they repair muscle
tissue after exercise. They also have hundreds of other functions and
play a vital role in enzyme & hormone production and utilization.
They are responsible for transportation of hemoglobin in the blood,
growth of hair and skin etc. Protein can also be used as a source of
fuel although carbohydrates are naturally the bodies preferred source.
Protein can be broken into 2 basic types; complete and incomplete.
Complete protein contains all 10 of the essential amino acids and
incomplete protein means it lacks some of the essential amino acids.
For example protein sources that are complete are chicken, fish, red
meat and diary products. Incomplete protein sources are beans and other
plant sources. However, you can combine incomplete proteins together to
form a complete protein (e.g. rice and beans).
Carbohydrates fuel the nervous system, the brain and muscles. There are
2 types of carbohydrates= simple and complex. Simple carbs are broken
down quickly inside the body (High G.I) complex carbs take longer to
process. When choosing carbs in your diet, focus on particularly on
whole natural carbs that haven’t been processed or refined that are Low
to Moderate G.I
Dietary fats are just as important as protein and carbohydrates. Fat is
a major component for health and is often overlooked. It helps
transport the fat soluble vitamins A E D K all are needed for us to
remain healthy. A diet exclusively devoid of fats is very much an
unhealthy one! For instance fat can help you stay fuller longer
increasing a feeling of satiety, which is useful when dieting hard.
Omega 3 is an important Essential fatty acid (EFA). It has an
anti-inflammatory effect on the body, which is obviously important for
fighters. Not to be confused with Omega 6, most of us have in abundance
in our diets.
Avoid if possible anything with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil or trans fatty acids.
These are bad synthetic fats the body cannot break down fully. They can lead to many health issues such as obesity and increases in Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) bad cholesterol.
The most important substance in your diet and body is water. Your body
is 70% water and being de-hydrated by as little as 2% can affect your
Cutting Weight
In most cases fighters will try to drop weight, as they are getting
ready for a fight. It is not wise to restrict your calories while you
begin training heavy for your competition. Top-level athletes should
take care of themselves all year. By maintaining low body fat levels,
it will allow you to focus on the fight and not making weight. When you
are given short notice and you have to cut weight in a hurry, make sure
you adhere to proven techniques and strategies.
If you need to lose weight follow these recommended guidelines;
1) Set correct % of protein carb fat and calories
*35% carb 35% protein 30% fat
2) Remove all grains and wheat from diet
3) Remove all dairy from diet
4) No root Vegetables e.g. carrots and potatoes
5) No processed meats
6) Sample menu
- 4 organic eggs & 2 pieces of fruit (multi vitamin & omega 3)
- 6 oz chicken breast & 2 cups green beans
- 5 oz red meat & 2 green beans
- 6 oz tuna & 1 apple & 2 cup spinach salad
*Before workout BCAA
- 30 grams whey protein & apple & pear *after work out
- 5 oz red meat & 2 cups broccoli (multi vitamin & omega 3)
- Take a high quality multi-vitamin 2x per day
*This is nutritional insurance to make sure your body has everything it needs to run at the highest level possible.
- Take 6 grams of a high quality omega 3 fatty acid
- Before workout BCAA are recommended to maintain a anabolic state (positive balance)
- Drink a high quality Whey Protein Shake 20-30 grams after a workout, with fruit (banana or berries)
• After a workout you have what is called your “post work out window of
opportunity” this time period is when you need to replenish your body
with the nutrients you just lost or utilized. During this “window” your
body is able to utilize and assimilate more of the nutrients you eat.
Also, your muscles are ready to absorb more amino acids during this
time which are needed to repair the tissue that was just damaged due to
training. If at this time you take in a liquid form of protein and
carbs it digests faster and will be absorbed more readily into the
* The most abundant amino acid in the body, it has been shown to improve immune function (it will keep you from getting sick before the big fight). Also Glutamine is anti-catabolic, which means you won’t lose that hard earn muscle while dieting.
- Wheatgrass - 1 oz per day (my personal secret)
* One shot is equal to 5 pounds of vegetables in nutrient quality, 6 grams of fiber and it tastes pretty good.
Eat Well and Train Hard