Ebay - Good to purchase items from around the world but I personally find it difficult to navigate and use. Often purchase cheap electronics and other stuff from Hong Kong and USA using it tho. No other website in Singapore lets you do that effectively.
Mocca Classifieds - Average pictures and site layout. Lots of stuff for sale but it's a bit cluttered with all the advertising for massages and stuff. Search sucks
Cannla - I'm biased because I work on it. We spent ages making it easy to use however. Just need to push up the amount of stuff available and tell everyone about it. We do auctions, no classifieds.
GMarket - It's a Korean site that was adapated for Singapore. It's got quite a bit of stuff for sale but the layout was designed for kanji and I think it shows. One to watch since it's got the backing of Yahoo.
Blog shops (example, example) - Lots of them in Singapore but you have to know where to look. Really good for women's clothing which is cool.
I'd like to hear where everyone else shops online. Seems a little different in Singapore to the rest of the world because it's such a small market and the island is physically small too.
Thoughts (positive criticism especially)?
overly repeated topic.
citibank's www.borderlinx.com/globeshopper
Globeshopper looks interesting. Back home we had a similar system which was basically a drop shipping company with a proxy address. It was OK but the shipping charges were high and the service slow. That site looks better promising shipping inside a week and only $30 for 2 kg.
Originally posted by mjallday:Ebay - Good to purchase items from around the world but I personally find it difficult to navigate and use. Often purchase cheap electronics and other stuff from Hong Kong and USA using it tho. No other website in Singapore lets you do that effectively.
Mocca - Average pictures and site layout. Lots of stuff for sale but it's a bit cluttered with all the advertising for massages and stuff. Search sucks
Cannla - I'm biased because I work on it. We spent ages making it easy to use however. Just need to push up the amount of stuff available and tell everyone about it.
GMarket - It's a Korean site that was adapated for Singapore. It's got quite a bit of stuff for sale but the layout was designed for kanji and I think it shows. One to watch since it's got the backing of Yahoo.
Blog shops - Lots of them in Singapore but you have to know where to look. Really good for women's clothing which is cool.
I'd like to hear where everyone else shops online. Seems a little different in Singapore to the rest of the world because it's such a small market and the island is physically small too.
Thoughts (positive criticism especially)?
Amazon is awesome. It's the pinnacle of shopping online for sure. We're making sure we look at amazon for inspiration. It keeps my credit card details so I never have to remember them when shopping, bad for me but good for Amazon.
It does seem to keep sending me splatter flicks as a recommendation however :P
-- 30 posts required --
Me only go to eBay....