Sauce is via OMY portal of Wanbao... Sorry only got chinese version...
æ¦å�‰ç�让黑夜å�‘生惊人血案,7å��æ�¶å°‘高喊ç§�会党å�£å�·ï¼ŒæŒ¥èˆžäº®æ™ƒæ™ƒçš„西瓜刀,è§�人就ç �,先将一å��20å²�é�’å¹´ç �伤,å†�包围15人乱ç �,其ä¸6人浴血å�—伤。
这起ç �人案å�‘生在昨天深夜10时,分别在æ¦å�‰ç�让法嘉路第418座的楼下和日拉邦路第524Aåº§ç¿ ç»¿å²—è´ç‰©ä¸å¿ƒï¼ˆGreenridge Shopping Centre)æ—�的篮ç�ƒåœºã€‚
目击者说,ç �人的æ�¶å°‘有7人,他们被指在法嘉路第418座楼下挥刀ç �伤一å��20å²�å�°æ—�é�’年,导致他倒在血泊ä¸å�Žé€ƒé€¸ã€‚
å…¶ä¸ä¸€å��黄姓é�’年(18å²�,工院生)告诉本报记者说:“他们拿刀指ç�€æˆ‘们,高喊‘369’,问我们是ä¸�是‘åŒ—æµ·å ‚’的党员,我们说ä¸�是,他们å�´åŒ…围我们,用西瓜刀猛敲我们的头,结果我们之ä¸æœ‰6人å�—了刀伤。”
Where did the police go? Zzz....
Revenge slashing for Darren?
Originally posted by DriftingGuy:Revenge slashing for Darren?
Either that or copy-cat crime... IMO...
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:Sauce is via OMY portal of Wanbao... Sorry only got chinese version...
æ¦å�‰ç�让黑夜å�‘生惊人血案,7å��æ�¶å°‘高喊ç§�会党å�£å�·ï¼ŒæŒ¥èˆžäº®æ™ƒæ™ƒçš„西瓜刀,è§�人就ç �,先将一å��20å²�é�’å¹´ç �伤,å†�包围15人乱ç �,其ä¸6人浴血å�—伤。
这起ç �人案å�‘生在昨天深夜10时,分别在æ¦å�‰ç�让法嘉路第418座的楼下和日拉邦路第524Aåº§ç¿ ç»¿å²—è´ç‰©ä¸å¿ƒï¼ˆGreenridge Shopping Centre)æ—�的篮ç�ƒåœºã€‚
目击者说,ç �人的æ�¶å°‘有7人,他们被指在法嘉路第418座楼下挥刀ç �伤一å��20å²�å�°æ—�é�’年,导致他倒在血泊ä¸å�Žé€ƒé€¸ã€‚
å…¶ä¸ä¸€å��黄姓é�’年(18å²�,工院生)告诉本报记者说:“他们拿刀指ç�€æˆ‘们,高喊‘369’,问我们是ä¸�是‘åŒ—æµ·å ‚’的党员,我们说ä¸�是,他们å�´åŒ…围我们,用西瓜刀猛敲我们的头,结果我们之ä¸æœ‰6人å�—了刀伤。”
yet another bloody case involving gangs.
The night at bukit panjang was shattered by a shocking and bloody crime. 7 aggressive young punks , shouting gang slogans, brandishing water melon knives, ran around randomly slashing people. First chopping up a 20 yr old, then later surrounding and slashing a group of 15 youths, with 6 of them receiving wounds.
This chopping case happened late last night at 10pm. At bukit panjang's Fajar road block 418's void deck and at the basketball court beside jelapang road block 524A, neigbourhood shopping centre (greenridge).
The reporter went on scene after receiving a reader's tip off.
Eye witnesses say, there were 7 young punks, and they were accused of chopping up a 20 yr old Indian teen at fajar road block 418, fleeing after the chap collasped in a pool of blood.
Not 5 minutes later, they were seen appearing at the basket ball court 400 meters away.
At that time, there were around 15 teens there, resting after street soccer. Just as they were leaving, the 7 punks appeared, each one of them brandishing a 20cm long water melon knife (sic), coming towards them aggressively.
One of the teens, surnamed huang (18 yrs, poly student), told this paper's reporter. "They were pointing their knives at us, shouting "369". Asking us if we were members of "north sea hall". We said no, but they surrounded us, brutally attacking our heads with their knives, six of us ended up with knife wounds.
Our reporter understands that in total 7 people were injured in this incident.
I think recently, more cases like this might actually cause a chain reaction of ppl, causing their balls to grow bigger and their brains to grow smaller...
it might be contagious eh...?
Fajar Road To GreenRidge Shopping Centre is about 20 mins walk... or 10 minutes by running......
Originally posted by ^Acid^ aka s|aO^eH~:I think recently, more cases like this might actually cause a chain reaction of ppl, causing their balls to grow bigger and their brains to grow smaller...
it might be contagious eh...?
but they not scared of caning?
Originally posted by sbst275:
but they not scared of caning?
look, this bunch were stupid enough to ask an indian chap if he belongs to a chinese gang before slashing him.(it's hilarious if you think about it)
You think they are smart enough to fear the cane ? ....
people of lower cognitive abilities cannot comprehend consequences, because they lack the ability to see forward.
Originally posted by sbst275:
but they not scared of caning?
aiya... u dunno... some of them treat canning like promotion...
more cane means more "eh sai" aka "Can Do"...
Just like some ppl who always say "jin qu yi tiao chong, chu lai yi tiao long"... Translate as "Go in a worm, come out a dragon"... some ppl are proud to go in and squat... dun ask me why their reasoning like tat though...
Originally posted by Fatum:look, this bunch were stupid enough to ask an indian chap if he belongs to a chinese gang before slashing him.(it's hilarious if you think about it)
It is believed that '369' do contain some indians too.
this s what i feel
(1) police should start to patrol ON FOOT around the neighbourhood and get to know of such activities withh gathering of ah engs and ahbensg before they can create trouble.
(2) residents if find that their surrounding got this type of people and activities must quicly react and call the police. police mus also take such reports seriously.
(3) residents should not confront them if seen them or harassed or challenged by them.
(4) poor and silly ugly unbeautiful people not educated should have family planning orpeople with children from poor or broken families hsouls pay cose attention to their child'r movmens and friends they make.
(5) really look into movies from hong kong an dbollywood egarding gang erlated storyline.
(6) tomorrow verdict for the 3 musketeers out. they should be hanged. those firends from darren demised making a seen at razor TV shuld be issued warning by police. they bhaviour cannot be condoled!
(7) anyone seeing at group gatheriongs, low rowdy youths or people around should immediately report police for a check on them, no matter when and where.
(8) the 3 musketeers and darren demised all friends and acquittances (from their tattos and drssing you know) should be called in by police and reminded of their actions and ctivtivities, if need to police to probe into their livelihood, friends and activities.
(9) things are getting out of hand! how can in SIngapore people just gather in a group and anyhow kill people?! darren demised one can say its staring, this one is just zorborlang anyhow slash at people!
(1)) what are the police commissional doing? Since darren demised case the police should be taking proactive actions on 'gangs' activities instead of letting it become worse, not they are not 'secret; anymore
I hope tommorows sentence is death to the 3. really.
and this 7 should be the same death penalty too. Kill them all!
actually under some dunno which law, any gathering of more than 6 in public can be considered illegal gathering alrdy
13 people spotted on SGforums...
OMG. PHT kena attacked.
Originally posted by sbst275:actually under some dunno which law, any gathering of more than 6 in public can be considered illegal gathering alrdy
They only target opposition members only.
Remember you can be charged for illegal assembly if you are standing alone doing nothing outside a building.
the law applies. of course as a police officer or plaincloth on patrol i see 6 nerds with glasses atnding ona void deck i probably wont approach them for ID check. unless i got tip off from mole that they are suspects. but as a police officer or plaincloth on patrol if i see 6 or moe ah bengs with tatoo, loud motorbikes, dye punk long hair and they amanerism like kiamholangkang ones i can safetly save that they are having illegal gathering is real, check their ID and if cleared order them to disperse. the law is there, the officers on the ground have to exercise their judgement and applie it with teh power vested ito them. simple?
Originally posted by charlize:They only target opposition members only.
Remember you can be charged for illegal assembly if you are standing alone doing nothing outside a building.
it applies to anyone
as for single alone.. it's a different law alrdy.
Originally posted by sbst275:
but they not scared of caning?
I don't think so,these people have very thick skin.
Originally posted by sbst275:
it applies to anyoneas for single alone.. it's a different law alrdy.
They sent a riot squad last time when a few people stood outside the cpf building.
For these gang related matters, they just sent a few policemen to patrol the area.
Go figure.
Originally posted by charlize:They sent a riot squad last time when a few people stood outside the cpf building.
For these gang related matters, they just sent a few policemen to patrol the area.
Go figure.
tak boleh tahan
so police tak boleh tahan CSJ
tau tak? loo
On a serious note, are the police looking into these gang related fights as their top priority?
I am quite scared of going out if this becomes common place in Singapore.
In broad daylight in public places even.
CPF building (if police required) is to catch illegal immigrants....
Aiming old people CPF savings.... some PRC women loitering there waiting for uncles to hook on....
It is a serious challenge to the police force that these young gang are slashing each other and strangers for no apparent reason.
Imagine they try their act in Serangoon Road.
It will be an issue that is out of control.
It is very hard for the mata to address these gangs unless they have insider information or received calls from the public.
By the time that they have arrived, the gang would have dispersed.
No point blaming the police.