Fact is, the police did not perceive the singapore underworld to be such a great threat until now, but after so many incidents, u can definitely expect the police to crack down on the gangs soon. its not a matter of finances per se, its a matter of importance. the gangs better tone down before the police decide to do to them what they did to the illegal gambling dens.
I seriously hope this will be the last incident...
If every now and then also got this type of incident, no idea if the country will kenna a curfew state again >___>
Gambling den is easier to tackle as they have fixed location to put up arrest.
As for gang, they can strike any where, any place and any time.
They are dangerous, unorganised and hard to track.
So, it will take more time to resolve the gang issues as more man power will need to be.
The police should be taking serious action against the BP slashing incident now.
The pressure will also be on them to solve the issue as the public are more scared after two incidents.
how many murder case you have read in newspaper that some victim have reported case that they feel they are under threat or have been disturb by the murder / killer be4 they get murder/ kill or get injury ???
and yet police are unable to do anything till the victim get hurts or die, then the police will only then take action ????
not injury / death = no case
* oh post in wrong topic sia .......................
We do not know who are these people exactly and what are their reasons? Witching hunting should be avoided.
Its definitely a serious issue and innocence being harmed is a super big no no. Its time to rolled up the fibre optics network on streets with super high definition automated movable camera with connected intelligence with all other cameras and a command post of officers to flood an extra blanket of security and allow fast reaction.
Second, gangster is the result of social problem. First law abiding citizens in SIngapore is always feeing and paying to gangsters and white criminal organzations through private 4D and ToTo, and all kinds of illegal activities. As a result, these bosses then have money to recruit and feed the needs of these emotional and money faced teenagers. Brainwash, influence all these stupid teens.
These stupid teens come from parents who do not know how to teach them or who are corked up themselves. THere are many bad parents in SIngapore. Bad parent = bad children.
SIngapore education is heading in the wrong direction, that is why you got all these dangerous problem. What is the education system doing? Wrong direction liao.
Singapore government can do much better to prevent danger to the society. Its is not doing good enough. Wearing too many hats and not able to handle this basic security issue for its citizens.
SIngaporeans as a whole, whether young, old, netizens, non netizens, NS, woman, man all need to help to contribute if they want the situation to be better. NO point lounging in your own chair and critizicisng others at the same time if you want the problem to be solved faster.
SIngapore intelligence level is low = got this stupid problem
Singapore income gap between the have and the have not is still too big
SIngapore intelligence gap between smart and the stupid is still too big
Singapore is heading into the wrond direction. Wake up for singapore, do the best you can.
time to deploy snipers - let them have some real life training to shoot and kill those morons
anti-mafia civilian reprisal groups... go figure :)
set up curfew..
gathering of more then 3 after 2000hrs need to apply license..
buy knives also need registration and letter of authrorisation stating the usage.. which even include bakery knives..
and publishing of circumstances you have to hold for different stupid action u did..
example.. u kill pple = killing urself.. unless u dam blardy rich can feed the lawyer the government untill ba ba.. then case close on ur side.... if not delay till ur natural death...
all the above may help in reducing such incidents..
government got more things to do..
then they employ more...
more jobs for us.. plus reduce such cases...
good for economy of singapore...
nt bad...
maybe i should nominate myself for a seat in parliament... hmmmmm
maybe those ministers relatives friends and children should get it one fine day. then they will wake up the idea.
i bet more parents must be sending their kids in for self defence lessons...
these punks should get beaten up pronto...they should know what fear is...
Originally posted by Zyber12311:set up curfew..
gathering of more then 3 after 2000hrs need to apply license..
buy knives also need registration and letter of authrorisation stating the usage.. which even include bakery knives..
and publishing of circumstances you have to hold for different stupid action u did..
example.. u kill pple = killing urself.. unless u dam blardy rich can feed the lawyer the government untill ba ba.. then case close on ur side.... if not delay till ur natural death...
all the above may help in reducing such incidents..
government got more things to do..
then they employ more...
more jobs for us.. plus reduce such cases...
good for economy of singapore...
nt bad...
maybe i should nominate myself for a seat in parliament... hmmmmm
while all the above may reduce such incidents, it further takes the freedom of the citizens...
the problem here is gangsterism. not opportunity. if gangsterism is being taken care of, the chances of people committing such acts would lessen even with opportunity becoz there's one less of reason. One Major less of a reason.
such incidents would better off be handled by the police. likewise, i'd rather suggest a night watch either by police or community clubs/grc...authorise these night watch clubs to use tasers...
Originally posted by Deino:i bet more parents must be sending their kids in for self defence lessons...
these punks should get beaten up pronto...they should know what fear is...
You beaten one, ten or more will come slashed you, even if you can beat 10 armed teens, more will come to hunt you..... eventually you will be hacked to death......
Last time i youngster, scared of tiong puay lang....... now i become tiong puay lang, scared of youngster......
Originally posted by Ä«Õß:¸ïÀë:You beaten one, ten or more will come slashed you, even if you can beat 10 armed teens, more will come to hunt you..... eventually you will be hacked to death......
Last time i youngster, scared of tiong puay lang....... now i become tiong puay lang, scared of youngster......
my mom once injured the crap out of a loanshark harasser..
if everyone behaved timidly, the whole of Singapore would be doomed...
so got anyone die or not...........if no one killed.............aiyah...just small kids having a little fight lah.........
Originally posted by Bus&Soccer l0v3r (VO3x 1):wth?
like that also can call 369?
ppl say they are not... but still knife them?
Teenage angst gone berserk.
The loneliness/ angst at home is being transposed to the streets in terms of violence.
Probably latch key children to begin with.
Mr Vivian Balakrisnan n his MCYS better do sth quick, think this is indeed a problem of teenage angst due to family-social breakdown/ violence.
And stop the immigration until we solve these social problems please.
He cannot even do a game properly.
How to prevent the gang fight ?
Just stay at home after seven and watched Ai with your mother.
The gang are mostly local boys.
Imagine the foreigners start their gang activities in chinatown and serangoon.
less freedom = less problem..
you want more freedom dnt give so much problem..
must enforce this, coz stupid pple nowadays got nth to do.. but they jus wants freedom.. u take away their freedom they scared...
so to have freedom, they dont give problem...
world peace...
less freedom = less problem..
you want more freedom dnt give so much problem..
must enforce this, coz stupid pple nowadays got nth to do.. but they jus wants freedom.. u take away their freedom they scared...
so to have freedom, they dont give problem...
world peace...
Why mp so quiet?
Why police/cid still trying to fish the young punks?
Why no news now?
Our police force now too good life?
Originally posted by Zyber12311:less freedom = less problem..
you want more freedom dnt give so much problem..
must enforce this, coz stupid pple nowadays got nth to do.. but they jus wants freedom.. u take away their freedom they scared...
so to have freedom, they dont give problem...
world peace...
People won't do stupid things, if they're not educated or learn from them...
Freedom doesn't create problems. Education and influence does. And where education fails, only It can repair...
If you want less freedom, settle down in North Korea or something. Confirm safe to max if you don't do anything rash towards their government.
Police must do more spot check.
Must do more night spots rounds.
Same goes to the public, if see any groups gathering, reports to the police.
No choice, everybody must work together to kill off this stupid young punks.
let the SSB do some job la
every year nothing to do
Originally posted by gunner77:let the SSB do some job la
every year nothing to do
Those top get fat pay for what?
To see youngsters chop and kill pple?
If cannot catch the young punks, top head must roll.