Six nabbed in connection with Bt Panjang gang fight
SINGAPORE: Police have arrested six people, aged between 15 and 23 years, in connection with a gang fight at Bukit Panjang on Monday night.
The alleged assault took place at about 10pm at Block 418, Fajar Road where a 20-year-old man was slashed and later hospitalised.
Not long after, the
group of attackers, some armed with choppers, rained blows on six others
near a basketball court at Jelapang Road some 400 metres from the first
- CNA/ir
sigh.....retards or what? think they can escape......i believe the judge will pass a sentence this time like never before. Just hang all of them and pls don't waste precious money. Attack one person so garang...see police run. What the fuck....chicken hearted dickheads.
Attacking defenceless people seems to be a trademark of petty gangs these days. fuck la. see if that fella has a gun dare to attack or not. fucking pea brains.
Ok tks for reading my rant :)
Can the police arrest all the gang members in sg ?
It will be a sticky issue for the police to sort out.
Don't the police have the right to stop, check and escort kids who are outdoors after 11pm? If so, why are these neds still running around?
Gangsters who commit random, unprovoked violence have the same effect as terrorists and should be treated as such.
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Don't the police have the right to stop, check and escort kids who are outdoors after 11pm? If so, why are these neds still running around?
Gangsters who commit random, unprovoked violence have the same effect as terrorists and should be treated as such.
they can
but if they start grouping more than 6 suddenly and start whacking ppl it's different.
guess sooner or later CCTV might have to be installed at places where youths gather.
Originally posted by sbst275:
they canbut if they start grouping more than 6 suddenly and start whacking ppl it's different.
guess sooner or later CCTV might have to be installed at places where youths gather.
tat will be more dangerous... they gather at the 2nd floor.. outside people's house...
Public need to play a part.
If see a group behaving like mafia, call the police.
Firstly, i think is the family problem coz all tis lo..nowadays parent too good to their children eg. want buy iphone4 just give them money go buy, want go chiong just give them money go chiong, they think like this mean show their freaking care and concern to them.
i even saw a primary school kid holding iphone4 on bus..this is freaking crazy lo..they think they want what then can get..they think they want do what can just do..especially the downtown east case, they must stupid enough to think that "wow, so many chop 1 person die then only few kana caught, we go chop people maybe wont get caught." they alr use to the life what they want, what they want do, all can.
Second, i think all knife longer than 10cm need register and have a microchip in them..track those brainless idiot use it to chop people..
Third, no matter what freaking they give when they got caught holding a knife walking around, just rotan few times. noneed waste time go court or what..who will so bo liao holding knife walk around without any plan de..
Forth and lastly, hang those brainless idiots who murderer or chop other point give chance to idiots like them..they dont deserve a chance cause they dont give others a chance..
6 more suspects nabbed
POLICE have arrested six more suspects in connection with the two cases of armed rioting at Bukit Panjang housing estate on Nov 8.
The suspects, aged 19 to 25 years, were rounded up by CID officers in successive raids at Balestier and Bukit Batok early on Thursday.
The latest arrests bring to 12 the number of suspects who have been detained for suspected involvement in gang-related activities. Police investigations are on-going.
Director of the Criminal Investigation Department, Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Ng Boon Gay said: 'We understand residents' concern arising from the attacks. We are working closely with the local MPs and grassroots leaders to address residents' concerns and will provide progressive updates on our investigations. '
On Wednesday, Mr Ng warned that all gang behaviour would be dealt with firmly and decisively. Offenders will face the full brunt of the law, including the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act, which allows for detention without trial, Mr Ng said.
'Youth offenders involved in violent crimes must be warned that they will not be treated lightly simply because of their age,' he said in a statement on Wednesday. 'There is no excuse for violence and no leniency for those who disregard the law.'
Action will also be taken against those who turn up at the courts in force as a show of support for their fellow gangsters, police further warned. The warnings came after six youths were arrested over two cases of armed rioting in Bukit Panjang in a 24-hour swoop by CID officers.
-- ST
On Wednesday, Mr Ng warned that all gang behaviour would be dealt with firmly and decisively. Offenders will face the full brunt of the law, including the Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act, which allows for detention without trial, Mr Ng said.
You better honour your words.
Dealt with them heavily too.
No spare for them.
Must rotan them at least 5 strokes (min), cannot say give you 2nd chance.
Heard the victim still in icu right?
Those gana caught better pray hard!
If the mati, death sentence for you. No 2nd chance.
Those have not caught and is reading the forum, better sleep and lock yourself in your toilet at night.
CID will come and knock your door in the wee hours.
the problem usually with such teens youths are they are too proud to take a step back and say sorry, ego too high with pressure from firends and peers.
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:the problem usually with such teens youths are they are too proud to take a step back and say sorry, ego too high with pressure from firends and peers.
Those young punks have no life at all.
Their life is wasted.
Living in the fantasy.
Give them a hard rotan to bring them down to earth.
Originally posted by Kuali Baba:Don't the police have the right to stop, check and escort kids who are outdoors after 11pm? If so, why are these neds still running around?
Gangsters who commit random, unprovoked violence have the same effect as terrorists and should be treated as such.
it's a question of resources mate. hard for the police to be everywhere all the time.
We need volunteers to do checking on them.
These gangsters dun seem to come from poor families.. in fact, they come from rich or well-to-do families... if you have noticed, their parents hired lawyers to fight cases for them. Probably rich parents too pre-occupied with work, neglected their child... child emo... dunno wad to do... join gangs to slash people.... -_-"
YOUTH crime in Singapore has seen a general decrease over the years through various police enforcement and preventive actions.
In response to rising concern over the recent spate of youth gang attacks and rioting, police on Friday said they will step up operations against gang-related activity.
In a statement giving an update on the gang situation in Singapore today, police said the number of youths arrested for overall crime has gone down by 9 per cent to 2,086 in the first six months of this year, from the same period last year.
This group accounted for 24 per cent of all offenders arrested for overall crime between January and June.
But the number of youths arrested for rioting in the first half year has gone up from 263 a year ago to 278.
Police said youth crime is a multi-faceted problem that requires a multi-pronged approach and urged schools, law enforcement agencies, social services sector, parents and youths themselves all to pay a role.
they really got nothing better to do?
Originally posted by hairycrab138:These gangsters dun seem to come from poor families.. in fact, they come from rich or well-to-do families... if you have noticed, their parents hired lawyers to fight cases for them. Probably rich parents too pre-occupied with work, neglected their child... child emo... dunno wad to do... join gangs to slash people.... -_-"
this one the lawyers problem. really if all lawyers boycott such casesz and businesses the crime rate will come down. and really even if got lawyer come one the judges decision is still final. if the judge ah gua punish them lightly really how much work police and citizens do also the same. just count your balls and nipples that you will not be the next victims from such ginahs gangs.
Originally posted by troublemaker2005:
this one the lawyers problem. really if all lawyers boycott such casesz and businesses the crime rate will come down. and really even if got lawyer come one the judges decision is still final. if the judge ah gua punish them lightly really how much work police and citizens do also the same. just count your balls and nipples that you will not be the next victims from such ginahs gangs.
Damn scary the number of gang related activites these days.
You better hope the police are doing their job instead of sending the riot squad to arrest people holding placards in front of the cpf building.
Zaobao article actually says tat it's been ard, just tat e victims normally say nothing whenever police arrive.
3 more caught
Originally posted by sbst275:Zaobao article actually says tat it's been ard, just tat e victims normally say nothing whenever police arrive.
3 more caught
I got a feeling that these gangs don't give a damn about authority anymore.
Think maybe the police these days have gone soft.
At least that is what the public perceives them to be.
I hope in the future, we won't see sg policemen like those you see in the TV series COPS.
All middle aged and fat.
why sg gang so pathetic?
Can't be like this?
at least they dressed up nicely, look civilised.
And if u think japan have much higher crime rate, u are awfully wrong.
Japan has maintained a developed and safe country with humane judicial system.
we have alot to learn from them, both the black and white society.