Originally posted by bowah:And this LTA are mostly young malaysians, they are given quotas, and for all these malaysian, their easy target is taxis, some local LTA officers I talk to, they said, if it is a taxis, we give them some chances, but not too much, if still do not want to move, or repeat it, then they will book the TD.
I was once caught by a TP at jalan Boon Lay for swerving along the road in zig zag at a above normal road speed, it was a local malay TP, I ask for chance, and he seeing me as TD and also on call, told me, ok, they just take the record, one more time appear inside computer, that is it.
So I think as the saying goes, most at expressway get caught are vans, pick up, containers, lorry and TD, very less pte luxury cars.
I got two friends TP, most of the time they give chance to TD if offence minor and never directly endanger others on the road.
Also true they seldom "catch" pte luxury cars, cos drivers of those cars like to complain to people higher up.
One quit TP cos cannot tahan always get complain..
Originally posted by CharlesTD:I agree that most are VL drivers. Pte cars on road about 5-10% of what TD and VL drivers spend on the road. So TD and VL drivers have 10-20 more times the chances of being booked for an offence. It is sad as I was sitting in one of the taxi whose TDVL will be taken away, he was telling me that there is no other job he can do and how is he going to support his family. There is one TD who told me he accumulated 24 pts in one month!!! How fast one can loose his means of making a living! He told he has been driving for 3 yrs. how to find a job that can make $2k per month.
I picked up one pax a month back, his TDVL got suspended for 1yr.. He drove for TC also, now working as Security Guard, left 6months more then he will go back drive taxi.
But i can't remember he suspended for what..
Never really pity him, cos he stay mimosa area, children all working liao, house fully paid..
mimosa house fully paid and u pity him ? Eat fully buy bao cannot contribute 250km , so guntong . . . . six months guntong very serious , could be beaten up a pax ?
muly speeding also not really flying , 110km per hr . . laugh die people . Midnight zoom at 160km/hr very common for.civilian.dvr .
Originally posted by Poolman:mimosa house fully paid and u pity him ? Eat fully buy bao cannot contribute 250km , so guntong . . . . six months guntong very serious , could be beaten up a pax ?
I said never really pity him..
1 yr guntong, left another 6 months.. Yah hor TC driver get 1 yr suspended must have done something serious..