I was on a disqualification/suspension for my class2. Do not have possess class3.
Suay enough, warming up bike in car park kenna stop. Most likely lisence revoked and charge in court for riding while disqualified.
I have intentions of getting my class3 and go for my taxi lisence will lta condem me? my first offence that got me disqualifed was excessive speeding. Riding/driving while disqualification is a serious offence... well they say when someone is suay, anything goes
Would like to have some advice from people who got their lisence revoked does lta grant you? Thanks for the advice.
Before you can apply you gotta pay $40 for screening, go LTA and apply, they will tell on the spot whether you can or cannot apply for screening.
The Law is quite clear now, 1 license revoked means all unless the court rules otherwise.
But u need hold class 3 license one year b4 u can apply TVDL.
Don't la, TS, go do other things la..........
License disqualified still dare to ride or drive, next time you obtain TDVL, will do the same things again...........
If I do not hold class 3 at the point of offense
After everything clear, when I obtain class3 and clean driving record would the lisence be a fresh one? Lta will see from that point of view?
If you have clear your suspension period and obtain a class 3, u can say is a fresh start but after that if u are caught for any serious offence (those that need to attend court type), your past record will be taken into consideration.
Class 2 license got clash with Class 3 meh ?
I dunno ....
But have Class 3 license , must have 3 years experience then can drive taxi .... now 1 year ?
TS , better dun lah ..... one year experience better dun drive taxi , hazard on the road .
Be a delivery man gain driving experience first .
If you see revokation or disqualification orders from court it now always says from all classes of vehicles for xxx period.
Very rarely will a court only disqualify for 1 these days, this happen after a person disqualified from 1 was involved in a fatal accident while driving a different class which wasnt revoked.
Same for drink driving, you caught riding bike drunk, your class 3, 4 and 5, all can kiss good bye