Yes Congratulation! This forum is very useful from the cabbies. But nothing feels like really hands on the taxi and drive. Than, you will be able to experience the physical and mental endurance. The first few times of driving relief on weekends, my shoulder aches, right leg stiffen at times and you can even smell your own aroma of your own palm in the when driving. Unless you enjoy driving, it will be a motivating factor to be a cabby.
Originally posted by Exbanker:Dear all, I have been following this forum the last 1 year plus. I obtained my TDVL in August 2012 but was doing part time work at home till Jan 2013. Last month, I applied to be a hirer with SMRT, attended their MDT course and am waiting for delivery of the cab. But, in a twist of event, I found a permanent job and due to start this April.
Nevertheless, I would like to thank everyone here for their unselfish sharing of taxi driving experiences and knowledge. It was very helpful when I was all set on joining the trade. I will be keeping my TVDL, as who knows, some time down the road I may need it again. All the best to everyone here. Thank you.
Yup that's a good thing , keep that TVDL , u'll never know how useful is it when it come to raining days .
But that's for really Emergency Use .
NoEmergency dun use , use for fuck ?
Specially delegated to TS.......
i really missed taxi driving....
Originally posted by Angwk7118:that’s good news
al the best
Good news as in ?
one lesser competitor ?
Originally posted by Poolman:
Yup that's a good thing , keep that TVDL , u'll never know how useful is it when it come to raining days .But that's for really Emergency Use .
NoEmergency dun use , use for fuck ?
I can forsee my "raining days" r round the corner....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:I can forsee my "raining days" r round the corner....
you got FEW landed property inst nid to paid?