Someone , not me , do have a jail break code to cancell all kind of booking for smrt , transcab and cdg taxis .
Every cancellation will cost u only $0.50 .
This software will not cost you a termination aka tio pok .
Got my phone number ? Just give me a text will do , every month end i collect from u the $0.50 levy . I'll get someone to do it .
Thanks for your support hahahah
dun ask me how someone got this sofware , i will not reveal someone online hahahah
someone can make money one , hahahahah
lock hahahahah , u got my number ? just call me when u cannot make it for advance , someone out there is your distress button . .. .. .. hahahah
levy earned will be donate to charity . hahahaha someone dun need money .
dun say i gian lui $$$$$$$$ hahahah
smrt , transcab are welcome . .. .. . someone , not me .....
members , last 5 minute cancellation someone dun entertain , so try your best informed 15 minutes in advance .
Last 5 minutes fee is $1.00 .