come on the haze is not international problem. its indon gahmen's problem. they have no power over the lan owners burning fdwon forest as a fast irrespinsible way to clear land for new growth. they should enforce law on their land owners that although they own the land, indon gahmen own the country. and they can do anyhting they wnat but when it becausepolluation, become genocide then they should have a lw in place to clean up their own arses.
we should charge for our fire department's seice to them, our people fall sick, impact to singapore image when tourist vistst and take phots of sg skyline - so this is sgpore huh? how to compensate? you think the air like that is not poisonous arh> fucking indon;s wake up the fucking ideas.
I think what they meant was that their palms not greased yet.
want to take photos also cannot. the people jogging the background all like in a burning forest. if i want a jogger runnin out of a smoke screen effect probably iwillthnx the indon gahmen if not shit its haze not fog what's there to shoot? those support one better have good photos to support this claim if not tell them go fly kite..
our very brilliant and SMART indonesian minister's comment: you people complain about this few months that we burn trees, how about the time we provide asia with OXYGEN? WHERES OUR GRATITUDE? WOW! how stupid and naive can u get? using your strategic location to cover up for the HUMAN SUFFREING, ECONOMIC LOSSES(TOURISM) U CAUSE FOR UR OWN PPL AND THE ASEAN NATIONS isnt logical, its ILLOGICAL, stupid.
the brilliant indonesian government tells us they are doing something, next they blame the regional councils for not doing anything, and then when asked on law enforcement on land constraint laws, "WE ARE WORKING ON IT". u sure? whose fault is it really? its like in the recent floods, where pap blames the floods on the orchard road mp. stupid right? JUST FACE IT A CORRUPT, INEFFICIENTLY RUN NATION LIKE INDONESIA WILL NEVER TURN ON ITS WAYS.
Originally posted by Casopia-maplesea:our very brilliant and SMART indonesian minister's comment: you people complain about this few months that we burn trees, how about the time we provide asia with OXYGEN? WHERES OUR GRATITUDE? WOW! how stupid and naive can u get? using your strategic location to cover up for the HUMAN SUFFREING, ECONOMIC LOSSES(TOURISM) U CAUSE FOR UR OWN PPL AND THE ASEAN NATIONS isnt logical, its ILLOGICAL, stupid.
the brilliant indonesian government tells us they are doing something, next they blame the regional councils for not doing anything, and then when asked on law enforcement on land constraint laws, "WE ARE WORKING ON IT". u sure? whose fault is it really? its like in the recent floods, where pap blames the floods on the orchard road mp. stupid right? JUST FACE IT A CORRUPT, INEFFICIENTLY RUN NATION LIKE INDONESIA WILL NEVER TURN ON ITS WAYS.
tell the indons dounch be idiots. a primary scholl student can easily rebuff that claim. while producing oxygen, 12 hours of the time wihotu sunlight the trees were taking in oxygen and giving out carbon dioxide. its the vey basic between xygen production andconsumption by mother nature. so while producing oxyge how many of those ioxygen came to singapore? you thinkthe tress on earth are all that is producing ixygen?2/3 of the earth is sea - water. when the sun evaporates water, oxgen was broken away from the h20 formulae and released into the air. now even if we have rain you think the aire here will be clean? if it doesn't wash the haze away it pollutes the rainwater more. the ochar orad flood wsas really due to poor drainaige system. and i can also assure those floor traps we hired to clean ochard road is not doing a good job. all beause their own floor traps every sunday and sarurday gather there like primates and thorw rubbish anywhere never like any lcoal sgrean an do. since by nature orchard road is of lower elevation and all drainage got blocked then we see a bowl ful of saijui! raising orchrd road's height really is the lastfinal attempt since we cannot get rid and solve the floortraps prooblem.
yay for the tsunami
anyone realise after tsunami, haze gone
indonesia should have more tsunami, at least once a week
the incident of haze tells us that without a single bullet or soldier, singapore can be eradicated by suffocation hahaha
haze is back.