Hei peoples,
Here's an update on the upcoming party..pls refer to my previous post if u're feeling blur..
Drinks: All standard housepours available
@ $99.00 a bottle (flat rate whole nite)
@ $25.00 a jug ($20.00 during happy hours)
@ $8.00 a glass ($6.00 during happy hours)
Happy hours from 1700-2100
Pool game @ $2.00 a game
Music: Mix of retro, top 40, hip hop, acid jazz, soul, funk and house.
NO techno, trance or cantopop guaranteed.
Requests will be gladly entertained. Basically similar to what you'll hear at
Mohd Sultan on weekends.
Dancing is very permitted.
Buffet selection of finger food and snacks (fishball, curry puff, chicken wings, etc) AT NO COST!!
Maximum 100 people in the pub at anytime (close at 0300). All SRJCians
past, present (& future?) cordially invited.
Open door policy, no fixed time to come, come and leave as you like.
The place where it's all happenin': Club Senorita, #05-08 Far East
The date when it's all happenin': 30-12-2000
P.S. pls forward this and pass the word around to as many as possible..