For Biz or IT students...é following subjects' textbooks are 4 sale!
1. BizStats: Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics (11th edition) by Lind Marchal Mason
2. MicroEcons/MacEcons: Economics (5th edition) by Michael Parkin
3. Biz Accounting 1/2: Accounting: An introductory framwork by kirkwood
4. Computer Systems: Discovering Computers 2002, Concepts for a Digital World [Introductory] by Shelly Cashman Vermaat
5.IISO: Management Information Systems (3rd edition) by Effy Oz
6. Networked Multimedia: The Non-Designer's Web Book (2nd edition) by Robin williams
7. Principle of Marketing: Not yet known
Anyone interested? We're selling at 2nd hand prices... pls drop a msg in this topic or email me @
[email protected]