Originally posted by winnie^_^:
which sch has a good package?
laurence 82, me from 35th RMIT BBBA.
Anyway Winnie, just to tell u, I dropped out from SIM RMIT not because the course is tough, but my advice is that if u want to go for business course, u must have interest in maths and econs. Even if don't have interest, at least must make sure u don't hate it. Or else the one suffering is u. For me, it was a case of realising what I really wanted in life too late after 1 sem, just when I was getting used to the life there at SIM, with all the wonderful friends I made, and the overall environment there. But i think leaving after 1 sem was much better than some of my peers who left after the 3rd sem, which is like after 1 1/2 years.
But like 1 person said, MDIS is more flexible with ur time. If u can't make it for a certain module, u can always ask for deferment for that particular module, and u can take it with another class for that module. This is possible as they take in 4-5 batches every year for all their programs, compared to SIM where they take in 2 batches per year only for their programs.
I am speaking for my course in MDIS, it is slack in the sense that we mass comm do it on a module basis. We clear a module which lasts for 3 weeks( 2 weeks lecture, 3 days tutorial), then we have a study break of 2-3 weeks, then exam, then break again before the next module starts. Foreign students complain in my class that there's too much break for them, and they can't go work, and yet have 2 stay in spore where expenses are high. For SIM, they are sememster-based, where u clear 4 modules per sem(for RMIT, UOL I not sure) which lasts ard 3-4 mths each sem. I personally perfer the sememster basis. At least it gives the feeling that I am studying and not wasting my time most of the time.
Did I mention MDIS treats their students like NS? U have to clear ur own tray after ur meals, and there will be people walking around ensuring u return ur own tray. Didn't see that happening in SIM.
As for package, i am not sure what u mean, but if u mean the overall study environment, the people, the lecturers, the food etc, then I still strongly recommend SIM.
And if not wrong, SIM has a open house tomorrow. Go check out their programs. MDIS, as I mentioned earlier, has an open house on March 17. Go there, look ard and ask about the courses.