hi everyone i need you guys help as a have a module of events and administrative operation that need to plan an valentine days eventthat will result in my grade
any recomend activitys that i can do on the event ?
we need to plan 4-5 hours of activity.
please help ! thanks alot :)
u thinking of doing the event on bus?
cannot ,need to do it in school but till now still dun know what kind of stuff should i do , any ideas?
wat kind of school celebrates valentine's day??
i'm thankful you're not their P
Are you looking at targeting singles or couples? And I guess the event is just for students in your school?
why is it in this forum?
any idea?
Oh yah.. I think "forum starter" must have thought its Singapore Bosses not buses? Heheh Just kidding..
special rate for bus advertising on v-day
u know..... like declare ur love on the side of bus 197
yea is kind of an project that require execute in school hall ,
So shall we close this thread?
thread moved to more appropriate forum
as we need to come up something in a booth, and our theme is valatine event, any idea of stuff we can perform ? things that can attract crowds? and stuff ?
shouldn't this be in homework forum?
at least spell valentine correctly
guys can give me some example for the events objective and goals ?
V-day event objective and goal isn't it bery obvious?!?!?!?
milk the most money outta couples
omg i was thinking help increase birth rate
Originally posted by TehJarVu:omg i was thinking help increase birth rate
must sign up for value-added service