since mid-90s
Originally posted by FireIce:since mid-90s
wah so long ago... iphone wasn't even invented yet.
jiang lihai
As long as I can remember I guess
I have 6 years internet connection.
It's been 4 years and planning to change ISP next year.
wow. where do u all live?
6 years
15 years
I think about 20 years.
Many years
Since 90s for me
Been 20 years for me ... since dial up modem 56k spd is avaliable lol ..
Since I was born in 2000. But my parents had Internet connection way before that, probably in the 90s.
about 15years
Since dial up 56k modem.
since 2008
Have been using fibre internet for like 2 years
10$ for 30days..
I had it when I was in secondary 1 if not mistaken so it's like ... 1990.
So it's been say. 27 years. Since 28K dial up modem days that make
those screeching sound . Dead slow too. Currently on optical fibre.
deedeedeee doodoodoo cchhhh.........