Hi all, not sure if you have experienced this... i tried to find relevant topics but no where about this.
Personal data being exposed in some of the posts, you are unable to access the account to remove it. Contacted webmaster or moderator to remove it.. but the request didnt go through.
What would you do? Or is it nothing can be done?
For discussion.
Think it has been done
Still there.
And the strange thing is... some usernames can be googled.. some cannot. I believe webmaster might have done something to those usernames to be searchable in google... in a way to shame them for bad things mentioned in the forum. And its forever!!
Webmaster.. if you are reading this...if you wanna punish someone... dont make it forever. Because not every mistakes ppl make are forever. They do repent. Pls grow up!
best not to use real name
point noted & taken
you do know there such a thing called "PM"
at the end of the day, the person who post remains responsible for what he/she had posted
Yes.. everyone should be responsible for what they post. But not everyone is a god who doesn't make mistakes.
If there is a mistake you made... you mean you can't have a chance to make it better? And the mistake is forever!!! You know it is an error.. and you cannot change it.... you cannot amend your mistake!!
If die die dont want to let you change your mistakes.. At least shouldn't allow contents to be searchable online. Even criminal records are not searchable online.
Originally posted by QX179R:point noted & taken
you do know there such a thing called "PM"
PM webmaster long back. No response at all. At least show some courtesy.
Originally posted by Taybenghoe:.
Even your message can be covered up. Mine... i can't.