[20:17] <TDG> who quiet?
[20:17] <oldman> d3AtHwIsH lor
[20:18] <d3AtHwIsH> i shy wat
[20:18] <oldman> we had dinner yesterday
[20:18] <TDG> izzit?
[20:18] <TDG> who is d3AtHwIsH
[20:18] <TDG> ehehheheahhaa
[20:18] <TDG>
[20:18] <oldman> wif mille FnU and ashley
[20:18] <TDG> arhhhhh
[20:18] <TDG> how interesting
[20:18] <TDG>
[20:18] <TDG> haizz
[20:18] <TDG> i missed that
[20:19] <TDG> brudder: i wan family outing!
[20:19] <oldman> then u ask FnU lah
[20:19] <TDG> heheh~
[20:19] <TDG> heheehhaha
[20:19] <TDG> i dun even have his number, i think
[20:20] <TDG> so d3AtHwIsH: hows the outing?
[20:20] <TDG>
[20:20] <oldman> we'll ask u out again b4 u fly off
[20:20] <TDG> oc course
[20:20] <d3AtHwIsH> gd
brudder, u noe wat to do?