AngelDark - Always not getting edible lasagna, drooling away regardless 'kou shui' (oso counted rite?)
FatnUgly - For attending tutorials, never understooded, getting lazy. (i am speaking rubbish)
Churra - Consulting her until rarely recieving advice.
Ashley - Achieving some honours leaves everyone yearning
Keyi - kind, everlasting young image
Secrets - Somebody effortlessly craves relentlessly to sleep
Moose - Most often out searching, eating
Millenium - Must i let loose eternity, not involving unless mad
KTE - Knowledge Thrown Elsewhere :p
FireIce - Finally I reveal everthing I could, everyone
ps: all of the names i wrote, i din include their personalities..... no offence.....
Let me embrace u in my arms, to protect u from harm.
Let me be the one to feel the pain, for I can't bear to c u in suffering.
Let me show u what my love can do for u, touch my heart the way I am going to touch urs....
Visit me at #SSF, to talk abt gaming stuff.
#SSF - 's gaming clan.