oi who are you ar??Originally posted by Sir Lunchalot:Aye is there no cure for this dreaded disease Lady FireIce??
Reliable sources points to mille as the cause of this dreaded disease.Originally posted by millennium:hurhurhur
Looks like this topic got something to do with me.
Don't eliminate me. I am not spreading any diseases. I am still the same usual normal Mille.
You don't anyhow point point here point point there.
Aye Lady FireIce, shall thy slay tis fiend so that the virus will not spread?Originally posted by FireIce:millie:
but when u cure it?
if it takes another millenium to cure then how?
all the fatty ppl would have been dead by then..
not all of us are called "millenium" okie...
Greetings, Sir Lunchalot. My name be Sir Christof, and I am a warrior-knight of Christindom. Pray forgive my imprudence, but I have notice that thy use of thees' and thous' and been ...misguided. In thy afore mentioned statement, dos thou meant for Lady FireIce to slay the fiend of herself? Thou has defined "shall thy slay the fiend" as thyself undertaking this quest or for Lady FireIce to slay?Originally posted by Sir Lunchalot:Aye Lady FireIce, shall thy slay tis fiend so that the virus will not spread?
*bish bish KTE*Originally posted by KTE:Thou art still making no sense. HA HA HA!!!
hmm...thy speech is most familarly, good sir. Has thou been similary been "embraced"?Originally posted by Count Alucard:aye?
tis' be interesting, my own kind in such a modern haven?
'till we meet again.
Aye Count Alucard and Christ Of ye two pretenders, thy shoult slay the two of ye and rid this peaceful world of ye evil.Originally posted by Count Alucard:embraced?
t'was not my choice to be one of this kind.
thy be kindred, how about thou?
hostility is not thy game, unless thou wishes a duel with thee.
what does milady mean by "KNN"
an english essay? thy would have been honoured to assist milady, however, thy 'ave had to do some errands.
my apologies.