In reply to secrets...:
Riddler 1: I have no colour, though there may be darkness within.
ocean / sea -----Wrong...hehe
Riddler 2: Of all your possessions, I am the hardest to guard.
secret / heart----correct, answer is U!!
Riddler 3: Alive as you but without breath, as cold in my life as in my death, never a thirst though I always drink, dressed in a mail but never a clink.
statue in the fountain (??)-----Wrong..nah
Riddler 4: They follow and lead, but only as you pass. Dress yourselve in darker black, and they are darker still. Always they flee the light, though without the sun there will be none.
SHADOW -----Correct
Riddler 5: The life I lead is mere hours or less. I serve all my time by being consumed. I am quickest when thin, slowest when fat, and wind is the bane of the gift that I bring.
RAIN -----Wrong
Riddler 6: The man who invented it doesn;t want it for himself. The man who bought it doesn't need it for himself. The man who needs it doesn't know it when he needs it.
COFFIN -----Yes.
Riddler 7: The more there is, the less that you see. Squint all you wish when surrounded by me.
Riddler 8: I am free for the taking through all your life, though given but once at birth. I am less than nothing in weight, but will fell the strongest of you when helded.
OXYGEN-----can's suppose to be breath
Riddler 9: Lighter than what I am made of, more of me is hidden beneath, I am the bane of the mariner, a tooth in the endless blue. Speak my name.
Riddler 10: A spirited jig it dances bright, banishing all but the darkest night. Give it food and it will live. Give it water and watch it die.
CANDLE / FIRE-----Fire is right...
Total score:6/10...try again!!