No country is perfect. And no country stand alone without its people. You and your forefathers made Singapore a great country to live in, despite its flaws, but bound by the sacred pledge we all solemly and sincerly swore, you represent our country, regardless of whatever affliation you belong to.
We are an united people through our pledge, and today is our national day, our day of independence, whom we had all work hard to achieve nationhood daily.
You are where my and many others' allegience lay, through thick and thin, come what may, an unique species of nationality and humanity, achievers, whiners, lamers whatever.
You are my people, my homeland, an honour and priviledge I called myself Singaporean with pride, for the achievements and progress we had made together thru the years and had never given up on hope and dreams.
Happy independence day, and more good years to come.
continue in any existing thread on national day
anymore trigger-happy threads will be closed
depends on my mood, u may oso need to think of new nick