Originally posted by chamenos:
They at first were thinking of making parts interchangible for left-handed shooters if I remember correctly but apparently, they did some research and found out the learning curve for shooting in the other hand wasn't too steep so they did away with it. I have to agree with it to a certain extent cos it isn't that hard for me to fire from my left hand (I'm right handed).
I agree to the charging hander looks and feels rather flimsy. I think it would have been better if they had simply made it like the FA-MAS kind of charging handle. The FA-MAS one certainly looks much more sturdy.
I don't think it has a bolt hold open device though.....which means that the bolt will have to be cycled manually each time the magazine is emptied, much like an AK47/AKM.
About the optical sight, I think they intentionally put it rather far into the carrying handle so it would be quite hard to damage it physically. As for the fogging, I think most new optical scopes have some gas inside which prevents it or something. I'm not sure though, so correct me if I'm wrong.
Regarding the magazines, how exactly does the magazine catch on the SAR-21 hold onto the M16 magazines? If I recall correctly, the magazine release for the SAR-21 is at the back of the magazine well, so I would assume that it would catch onto something on the back of the magazine, whereas the M16 magazine catch holds onto the groove on the side of the M16 magazines.
Apparently, almost everyone who has reviewed the SAR-21 thinks rather highly of it and to be honest, its quite a well thought out design. (AK style gas system, bullpup layout, etc) I still think they should have designed a select-fire lever that was as easy to operate as the M16's one though...in a combat situation being able to switch from semi-auto to full-auto should be something that is done in the blink of an eye and normally not require removing either the firing or supporting hand from the gun. (the H&K style fire-select lever comes to mind...its better than the M16 one IMO)
Why was the SAR80 only issued to logistics unit? Why not the basic M16? Just curious...
About the American company trying to sell the SAR-21, I would be too surprised. One fact that few people seem to know is that Singapore is one of the largest exporters of weapons in South-East Asia, if I'm not wrong.
The good thing about the SAR21 is that now left and right handed shooters would feel at ease cocking the rifle as well as releasing the magazine catch. Not sure if the casing ejection port has a deflector to prevent hot casings from flying into the face of left handed shooters like the M-16A2/A3 but I would think so.
The charging handle looks deceptively flimsy, but let me assure you, I repeatedly yanked that thing pretty hard when I checked it out, it seemed sturdy enough
You're right about cycling manually after the magazine is emptied. Unlike the M-16/AR-15 the SAR21 has no ease spring feature, after the mag is emptied, the bolt remains locked at the open position, a new mag is inserted, charging handle pulled again to return the bolt. Again, while I would think it would slow down *slightly* the shooter compared to the ease spring, it would make it easier for lefties. (FYI I'm a leftie by day but a rightie at the range, whatever that means...). Ergonomics wins out.
I can't remember how the mag catches, my memory's a little fuzzy in that score.
My other gripe on the SAR21 fire selector is the retention on the full auto function, I would have thought a 3-round burst function would be more useful. As for fire selector, I don't recall any problems using it with my right hand.
Strange that no one has mentioned the ability of the SAR21 shooter to fire with both eyes open. I tried that out when fiddling with the SAR21, and it took me all of half a minute to learn how to focus my eyes to use that function. To those who haven't tried it, let me tell you, I can really see how having both eyes open while shooting could make a difference when using the weapon
I don't have the SAR80 specs on the top of my head, I do have a couple of small arms books in Singapore which cover both the SAR80 and U100.
As to why SAR80 over SR88, I don't think there was a competition. They were designed in different time frames, I think the issuing of SAR80s to log units could have been a trial which wasn't satisfactory in terms of performance, so it wasn't issued on a wide scale. The SR88 came at a time when there was a rethinking on assault rifle design, so that could have been the limiting factor there.
Chamenos: I've read as early as the mid-1980s that the U100 was chambered for M193 AS WELL as the SS109, so it would be surprising if the SAR21 was not so chambered. While we'r on new ammo, if anyone has read Blackhawk Down, you might have noticed some comments by the Rangers and Delta about the inability of the new ammo(SS109?) to "drop" the enemy. Reason was that the ammo was designed to go through body armour and kill the wearer, and when facing the "unarmoured" Sammies, the rounds simply went through without doing much initial damage, and often the hit Somali would be able to pick himself up and run off even after being hit. To quote one of the Delta in the book after seeing the umpteen Sammy he hit pick himself up, dust himself off and run off, "When he hit an enemy, he wanted him(enemy) to stay down." Food for thought?
The SAR80 is indeed a more sturdy firing platform due to its weight. But the way its designed, I couldn't hold it my BMT OC taught me to hold it like the M-16 we used in BMT(which was unusual but REALLY made the M-16 a much more accurate weapon), which to me negated the extra stability of the SAR80. And while the weight is an advantage at the foxhole part of range, it was a DEFINITE disadvantage at the rundown
The most "famous" export customer of our small arms is Croatia, they took delivery of significant stocks of SAR80s and U100s in 1991 when they fought the Serbs/Yugoslav army from '91-'95. I've also seen Filipino soldiers with U100s.
Nathan: SAR21 is not too bad, you just have to get used to it due to its different layout. Once used to it, I think you'll like it. Think outside the square you live in
[This message has been edited by Viper52 (edited 20 May 2002).]