Originally posted by Shotgun:
Hmmm I know a few potential nuclear bombs sail into Singapore every once in a while... Does that count in making us a nuclear power?
LOL of course not.
Canberra, in its original role, is a light/mdium bomber - lighter in class than say its heavier peers, the Valiant, Victor and Vulcan.
Americans are the most famous for losing their nuclear bombs [savannah, florence, palomares and greenland amongst several others, a total of maybe 20 nuclear warheads], but for others, esp. the ex-Soviets.. its a less clearer picture and perhaps that should be more worrying.
Broken Arrow
"A Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff term to identify and report an accident involving a nuclear weapon or warhead or nuclear component." (Broken Arrow is the worst case scenario.)
Bent Spear
"A Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff term used in the Department of Defense to identify and report a nuclear weapon significant incident involving a nuclear weapon or warhead, nuclear components, or vehicle when nuclear loaded."
Empty Quiver
"A reporting term to identify and report the seizure, theft, or loss of a U.S. nuclear weapon."
Faded Giant
"A reporting term to identify an event involving a nuclear reactor or radiological accident."