巴士达人 黄�伦熟读 本地巴士路线
� 黄�晶
  他从å°�就幻想自己是巴士å�¸æœºã€‚,到了ä¸å¦ä¾¿å¼€å§‹ç ”究ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线,熟读巴士指å�—书,背下所有路线,甚至上网查看最新的巴士路线。
  他也熟悉巴士的款å¼�,远远的巴士出现,他立刻说得出它的型å�·ã€�颜色,甚至车牌å�·ç �。
  他爱æ�巴士ä¸�爱地é“�。å°�时候,他拿盆å�当驾驶盘,幻想自己是巴士å�¸æœºã€‚çŽ°åœ¨ï¼Œä»–å‡ ä¹Žå¾�æœ�所有巴士路线,对个别路线了如指掌。
  日å‰�,黄é�–ä¼¦å›žæ–°åŠ å�¡å®£ä¼ ç¬¬ä¸€å¼ ä¸ªäººä¸“è¾‘ã€Šä¼¦è¯å½•ã€‹ï¼Œä»–带记者æ�他最爱的巴士路线——960å�·è·¯çº¿ï¼Œä»Žå…€å…°å·´å£«æ€»ç«™åˆ°æ»¨æµ·å¹¿åœºï¼Œé€”ä¸ç»�过充满黄é�–伦儿时回忆的百胜楼。
  黄é�–伦说:“百胜楼对我很有纪念价值,我跟爷爷常æ�¥è¿™é‡Œï¼Œä»Žæˆ‘å°�一æ�到ä¸å¦ã€‚å°�时候,爷爷负责照顾我,放å¦å�Žï¼Œä»–喜欢带我æ�960å�·å·´å£«åˆ°ç™¾èƒœæ¥¼çœ‹ä¹¦ï¼›è¦�ä¸�然在爷爷家没有事å�šï¼Œå¾ˆæ— è�Šã€‚æ¯�å¹´ä¸¾è¡Œçš„ä¹¦å±•ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬æ›´åŠ ä¸�会错过。æ¯�次去百胜楼,我们都会待上三四个å°�时看书,从而帮我打下å�Žæ–‡çš„基础。”
  从å°�å¦èµ·ï¼Œé»„é�–伦一有空就喜欢æ�巴士,“到了ä¸å¦æ›´ç–¯ç‹‚ï¼Œå¼€å§‹ç ”ç©¶ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线,熟读巴士指å�—书,背下什么巴士走什么路线,甚至上网查看最新的巴士路线。”
  黄é�–伦说:“以å‰�ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æœ‰äº›åœ°åŒºè¿˜åœ¨å¼€å�‘,ä¸�æ—¶ä¼šå¢žåŠ æ–°è·¯çº¿ã€‚ä¾‹å¦‚ç››æ¸¯å¼€å�‘å�Žï¼Œå¢žè®¾å¾ˆå¤šå·´å£«è·¯çº¿ï¼Œæˆ‘那时一å�£æ°”背下æ�¥ã€‚å�¯æƒœï¼Œ1998年巴士路线é‡�组,为节çœ�资æº�,有些巴士路线被除掉,有的巴士则è¦�绕更多路线。”
  念书时候,黄é�–伦在年ä¸å’Œå¹´åº•å¦æ ¡å�‡æœŸçš„最大ä¹�趣就是æ�巴士,“我æ¯�天都会æ�ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线。æ�巴士很舒æœ�ï¼Œå°±ç®—è·¯çº¿ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œæ¯�次风景ä¸�å�Œã€‚我ä¸�喜欢æ�地é“�,没有风景,很闷,也ä¸�åƒ�巴士å�¯ä»¥è¶…越å‰�é�¢çš„è½¦ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥æˆ‘æœ‰æ—¶å› ä¸ºå�šæŒ�è¦�æ�巴士而迟到。”
  现在,黄é�–ä¼¦å‡ ä¹Ž“å¾�æœ�”所有巴士路线,除了一些特别的地方,“åƒ�9å�·ã€�19å�·å’Œ89å�·ï¼Œå› 为巴士会驾到樟宜航空货è¿�ä¸å¿ƒï¼ˆChangi Cargo Complex),那里å�ªæœ‰å·¥ä½œäººå‘˜æ‰�进得去。ä¸�过,巴士指å�—书没有写到,结果我æ�到那里被赶下巴士。或者åƒ�去兵è�¥çš„103å�·ï¼Œå�³ä»¥å‰�çš„378å�·ï¼Œå�ŠåŽ»å·¥ä¸šåŒºçš„98å�·ï¼Œæˆ‘都被å�¸æœº‘赶’下车。”
å�«å¾—出巴士车牌å�·ç �
  他å�«è®°è€…考他,告诉他两个回家的巴士å�·ç �,他就能猜到记者ä½�哪里,果真被他猜对了。
  采访当天,黄é�–伦站在百胜楼å‰�的巴士站边æ‹�照,边秀他的“巴士功力”。比如,远远有巴士出现,他立刻说得出巴士的款å¼�ã€�颜色,å��æ˜ å®ƒå±žæ–°æˆ–æ—§ä¸€ä»£å·´å£«ï¼Œç”šè‡³èƒŒå¾—å‡ºå·´å£«çš„è½¦ç‰Œå�·ç �。当巴士å†�é� 近一点,他还会分æž�新巴士与旧巴士引擎声的差别,令记者ã€�æ‘„å½±å�Œäº‹å’Œä»–çš„ä¿�姆都目瞪å�£å‘†ï¼�
  怪ä¸�得,朋å�‹éƒ½å°�他作“Bus King”,时常å�‘他请教ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线。那他ä¸�就是朋å�‹è¿·è·¯æ—¶çš„救星?
  去年,黄é�–伦å�‚åŠ åœ¨å�°æ¹¾ä¸è§†ç¬¬ä¸‰å±Šã€Šè¶…级星光大é�“》选秀比赛,虽然å�ªå¾—第6å��,å�´å¹¸è¿�æˆ�为三ç�ä¸é¦–个å�‘专辑的å�‚赛者。从比赛到å�‘片,çŸçŸ96天,他的《伦è¯å½•ã€‹æˆ�了å�²ä¸Šæœ€å¿«é€Ÿçš„专辑。
  他说:“å›žæ–°åŠ å�¡çš„è¯�还是会æ�å·´å£«ï¼Œå› ä¸ºæ�德士很贵。我尽é‡�æ�特早或特迟的巴士,é�¿å¼€äººæ½®ã€‚”
  ä¸�过,黄é�–伦在å�°æ¹¾å®£ä¼ çš„æ—¥å�,并ä¸�喜欢在当地æ�巴士,“å› ä¸ºé‚£é‡Œçš„äº¤é€šæ¯”è¾ƒä¹±ï¼Œæ²¡æœ‰å�Œå±‚巴士,也时常没有座ä½�,有时å�¸æœºè¿˜é©¾å¾—太快。而且,è¦�认当地的巴士站也ä¸�容易,那里的巴士站ä¸�åƒ�æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„明显。”
ã€€ã€€è¿™è¶Ÿå›žæ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œé»„é�–伦最开心的当然是å�¯ä»¥æ�巴士ï¼�
i read in the papers this morling
maybe i ban him b4
Originally posted by FireIce:i read in the papers this morling
maybe i ban him b4
got pic? Who's this guy?
Originally posted by FireIce:i read in the papers this morling
maybe i ban him b4
how did u ban him u not even a bus fan unless he did something on ur forums
I hate reading chinese i gave up reading.
Originally posted by TIB537B:got pic? Who's this guy?
he was one of the runner-ups for one million star 3 representing singapore
sugi representing indonesia lah
Full article from the newspaper
ya ya
i read zb when i was 大便ing this morling
come come, guess his nick..........
if is bus555 i will laugh
He had set up a good example of being a bus fan. Hope can learn from him.
Originally posted by tiera:if is bus555 i will laugh
Originally posted by kuekj:巴士达人 黄�伦熟读 本地巴士路线
â—� 黄é�–晶本地æŒæ‰‹é»„é�–伦是å��“巴士达人”。
他从å°�就幻想自己是巴士å�¸æœºã€‚,到了ä¸å¦ä¾¿å¼€å§‹ç ”究ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线,熟读巴士指å�—书,背下所有路线,甚至上网查看最新的巴士路线。
他也熟悉巴士的款å¼�,远远的巴士出现,他立刻说得出它的型å�·ã€�颜色,甚至车牌å�·ç �。
他爱æ�巴士ä¸�爱地é“�。å°�时候,他拿盆å�当驾驶盘,幻想自己是巴士å�¸æœºã€‚çŽ°åœ¨ï¼Œä»–å‡ ä¹Žå¾�æœ�所有巴士路线,对个别路线了如指掌。
æ—¥å‰�,黄é�–ä¼¦å›žæ–°åŠ å�¡å®£ä¼ ç¬¬ä¸€å¼ ä¸ªäººä¸“è¾‘ã€Šä¼¦è¯å½•ã€‹ï¼Œä»–带记者æ�他最爱的巴士路线——960å�·è·¯çº¿ï¼Œä»Žå…€å…°å·´å£«æ€»ç«™åˆ°æ»¨æµ·å¹¿åœºï¼Œé€”ä¸ç»�过充满黄é�–伦儿时回忆的百胜楼。
黄é�–伦说:“百胜楼对我很有纪念价值,我跟爷爷常æ�¥è¿™é‡Œï¼Œä»Žæˆ‘å°�一æ�到ä¸å¦ã€‚å°�时候,爷爷负责照顾我,放å¦å�Žï¼Œä»–喜欢带我æ�960å�·å·´å£«åˆ°ç™¾èƒœæ¥¼çœ‹ä¹¦ï¼›è¦�ä¸�然在爷爷家没有事å�šï¼Œå¾ˆæ— è�Šã€‚æ¯�å¹´ä¸¾è¡Œçš„ä¹¦å±•ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬æ›´åŠ ä¸�会错过。æ¯�次去百胜楼,我们都会待上三四个å°�时看书,从而帮我打下å�Žæ–‡çš„基础。”
从å°�å¦èµ·ï¼Œé»„é�–伦一有空就喜欢æ�巴士,“到了ä¸å¦æ›´ç–¯ç‹‚ï¼Œå¼€å§‹ç ”ç©¶ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线,熟读巴士指å�—书,背下什么巴士走什么路线,甚至上网查看最新的巴士路线。”
黄é�–伦说:“以å‰�ï¼Œæ–°åŠ å�¡æœ‰äº›åœ°åŒºè¿˜åœ¨å¼€å�‘,ä¸�æ—¶ä¼šå¢žåŠ æ–°è·¯çº¿ã€‚ä¾‹å¦‚ç››æ¸¯å¼€å�‘å�Žï¼Œå¢žè®¾å¾ˆå¤šå·´å£«è·¯çº¿ï¼Œæˆ‘那时一å�£æ°”背下æ�¥ã€‚å�¯æƒœï¼Œ1998年巴士路线é‡�组,为节çœ�资æº�,有些巴士路线被除掉,有的巴士则è¦�绕更多路线。”
念书时候,黄é�–伦在年ä¸å’Œå¹´åº•å¦æ ¡å�‡æœŸçš„最大ä¹�趣就是æ�巴士,“我æ¯�天都会æ�ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线。æ�巴士很舒æœ�ï¼Œå°±ç®—è·¯çº¿ä¸€æ ·ï¼Œæ¯�次风景ä¸�å�Œã€‚我ä¸�喜欢æ�地é“�,没有风景,很闷,也ä¸�åƒ�巴士å�¯ä»¥è¶…越å‰�é�¢çš„è½¦ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥æˆ‘æœ‰æ—¶å› ä¸ºå�šæŒ�è¦�æ�巴士而迟到。”
现在,黄é�–ä¼¦å‡ ä¹Ž“å¾�æœ�”所有巴士路线,除了一些特别的地方,“åƒ�9å�·ã€�19å�·å’Œ89å�·ï¼Œå› 为巴士会驾到樟宜航空货è¿�ä¸å¿ƒï¼ˆChangi Cargo Complex),那里å�ªæœ‰å·¥ä½œäººå‘˜æ‰�进得去。ä¸�过,巴士指å�—书没有写到,结果我æ�到那里被赶下巴士。或者åƒ�去兵è�¥çš„103å�·ï¼Œå�³ä»¥å‰�çš„378å�·ï¼Œå�ŠåŽ»å·¥ä¸šåŒºçš„98å�·ï¼Œæˆ‘都被å�¸æœº‘赶’下车。”
å�«å¾—出巴士车牌å�·ç �
ä»–å�«è®°è€…考他,告诉他两个回家的巴士å�·ç �,他就能猜到记者ä½�哪里,果真被他猜对了。
采访当天,黄é�–伦站在百胜楼å‰�的巴士站边æ‹�照,边秀他的“巴士功力”。比如,远远有巴士出现,他立刻说得出巴士的款å¼�ã€�颜色,å��æ˜ å®ƒå±žæ–°æˆ–æ—§ä¸€ä»£å·´å£«ï¼Œç”šè‡³èƒŒå¾—å‡ºå·´å£«çš„è½¦ç‰Œå�·ç �。当巴士å†�é� 近一点,他还会分æž�新巴士与旧巴士引擎声的差别,令记者ã€�æ‘„å½±å�Œäº‹å’Œä»–çš„ä¿�姆都目瞪å�£å‘†ï¼�
怪ä¸�得,朋å�‹éƒ½å°�他作“Bus King”,时常å�‘他请教ä¸�å�Œçš„巴士路线。那他ä¸�就是朋å�‹è¿·è·¯æ—¶çš„救星?
去年,黄é�–伦å�‚åŠ åœ¨å�°æ¹¾ä¸è§†ç¬¬ä¸‰å±Šã€Šè¶…级星光大é�“》选秀比赛,虽然å�ªå¾—第6å��,å�´å¹¸è¿�æˆ�为三ç�ä¸é¦–个å�‘专辑的å�‚赛者。从比赛到å�‘片,çŸçŸ96天,他的《伦è¯å½•ã€‹æˆ�了å�²ä¸Šæœ€å¿«é€Ÿçš„专辑。
他说:“å›žæ–°åŠ å�¡çš„è¯�还是会æ�å·´å£«ï¼Œå› ä¸ºæ�德士很贵。我尽é‡�æ�特早或特迟的巴士,é�¿å¼€äººæ½®ã€‚”
ä¸�过,黄é�–伦在å�°æ¹¾å®£ä¼ çš„æ—¥å�,并ä¸�喜欢在当地æ�巴士,“å› ä¸ºé‚£é‡Œçš„äº¤é€šæ¯”è¾ƒä¹±ï¼Œæ²¡æœ‰å�Œå±‚巴士,也时常没有座ä½�,有时å�¸æœºè¿˜é©¾å¾—太快。而且,è¦�认当地的巴士站也ä¸�容易,那里的巴士站ä¸�åƒ�æ–°åŠ å�¡çš„明显。”
è¿™è¶Ÿå›žæ–°åŠ å�¡ï¼Œé»„é�–伦最开心的当然是å�¯ä»¥æ�巴士ï¼�
rough translation:
bus enthusiast huang jing lun able to note down local bus routes
local singer huang jing lun is a bus enthusiast.
since young, he imagines himself as a bus captain. when he went to secondary school, he began to study different kinds of bus routes, reading bus guides, noting down all the bus routes, even surf the internet to look out for new bus routes.
he is familiarised with the different bus models. when a bus appears, he can say out its model, colour and even the bus rego.
local singer huang jing lun is a bus enthusiast.
he loves to take buses but not trains. when he was young, he used a plate as a steering wheel, imagining himself as a bus captain. now, he has taken every single bus routes, while knowing all the bus routes and where they ply towards.
follow his grandpa to bras basah complex to read books.
currently, huang jing lun returned to singapore to advertise his first released album, jing's note. he brought the reporter to take his favourite bus route, service 960, plying from woodlands to marina centre, which also plys to the place that brought him many childhood memories, bras basah complex.
huang jing lun said "to me, bras basah complex has a commemorative value as my grandpa and i frequently go there. from primary 1 up till secondary school. when i was young, my grandpa looked after me. after school dismissal hours or when my grandpa is bored and have nothing to attend to at home, he brought me along to take service 960 to bras basah complex to read books. we would not miss the annual book fair. when we go to bras basah complex, we spend 3 or 4 hours reading books, boosting my enrichment for chinese.
noting down the bus routes
having since young following his grandpa around, taking buses, huang jing lun's love for buses went deeper.
he had a ambition of becoming a bus driver when he was 5 years old. he said "i like to use the basin as a steering wheel, imagining myself driving the bus, drive towards the route that i want, i can play for an hour. as a result, the routes that i imagined at that period of time later turned out to be true, for example the 5x (service 52 - 59) routes around bishan and the 8x (service 83,84,86,87,88,89) routes around sengkang.
since primary school, when he's free, huang jing lun joyrides on buses. "it was even crazier when i went up to secondary school, as i researched on different kind of bus routes, reading bus guides, noting down what bus goes to what bus routes,even surf the internet to check if there is new bus routes."
huang jing lun said "in the past, there were some areas in singapore that were still developing. at that time, there wouldn't be new bus routes plying towards those areas. after sengkang has been fully developed, a lot of bus routes came in, i noted them down at one shot. unfortunately, during the 1998 bus routes rationalisation, some routes were either withdrawn or amended to save and cut costs.
being asked to "get down" from the bus by the bus captain
while he was still studying, huang jing lun would joyride buses during the mid-year and year-end school holidays. "i would take different bus routes. joyriding buses are very comfortable, even if the bus routes are the same, the scenery it gives are different. i do not like to take trains as there are no scenery, very boring, unlike buses, which can overtake other vehicles in front. im often late because i insist on taking buses"
because of his love for buses, after the north east line went operational, some bus routes were withdrawn or amended, huang jing lun was upset. "routes like service 81, 82,106 and 111 are amended, so i had to take the train instead"
currently, huang jing lun has "conquered" almost all of the bus routes, except few of them which plys towards some special areas. "for example, service 9,19 and 89 goes towards changi airport cargo complex and only staffs there can go in. however, the bus guide didn't state so, so when the bus reached there, i was asked to get down from the bus. or service 103 which goes to seletar camp,service 378 and service 98 which goes towards the industrial estate, the bus captain asked me to get down"
able to say out bus regos
how familiar is huang jing lun with the different bus routes
he asked the reporter to test him and tell him to say 2 services which goes to the reporter's house, and he's able to guess where he lives and get it correct.
the day that he was interviewed, huang jing lun was standing at the bus stop near bras basah complex to take photos, while showing his "bus powers", for example a bus which appears far away, he can guess the bus model and its colours, whether its a new or old bus and even say out the rego of the bus. when the bus comes nearer, he is even able to distinguish between the engine sounds of the new and old buses, making the reporter, the camera crew and his babysitter.
its no wonder that his friends call him "bus king", frequently asking him about different bus routes. won't he be the rescuing star when his friends are lost outside?
huang jing lun said "if they are lost outside, i'll ask them to take a taxi instead, haha!"
with the transformation in buses, huang jing lun even have the "foreseeing" powers. he imagined a double-decker aircon bus during primary school and in secondary school, he imagined a service similar to the iris system, and both came true.
after reaching taiwan, he doesn't take buses
last year, huang jing lun went to participate in the 3rd season of one million star singing competition, though he emerged as 6th place, but was the first participant who released an album from the 3rd class (top 10 of the 3rd season one million star)
after becoming a singer, would huang jing lun still be able to frequently take buses?
he says "after returning to singapore, i will still take buses, because taking taxi is expensive. i'll try to take a bus that comes too early or too late, to prevent from the crowd"
but, when huang jing lun was at taiwan to advertise his new album, he did not like to take the buses there. "because the transportation there is messy, there are no double-decker buses, sometimes there are no seats, sometimes the driver drives too fast. furthermore, to recognize taiwan's bus stops isn't easy as their bus stops are not as obvious than in singapore.
this time coming back into singapore, the most happy thing huang jing lun can do back here is to take buses once more.
guan wo men pi shi!
Bus Community nowadays are getting famous , Even Taiwanese Singers are interested in buses ! maybe he could go out with us somehow and let us hear his album ..lol
Originally posted by TIB930Z:Bus Community nowadays are getting famous , Even Taiwanese Singers are interested in buses ! maybe he could go out with us somehow and let us hear his album ..lol
Hello, are you there? Huang jing lun is singaporean.
Originally posted by Fantagf:Hello, are you there? Huang jing lun is singaporean.
Ha ha, he's not that famous, that's why TIB930Z dunno mah, LOL.
bus 555
Originally posted by FireIce:ya ya
i read zb when i was 大便ing this morling
come come, guess his nick..........
Got hint or not?
Hope he will make us proud. And hope more ppl join the bus community.
he better not be that bus555.........................