Welcome to the family!
The reconnaissance element is a vital element to any formation's plans. You will be at the forefront to actively sniff out enemies.
You will be required to observe enemy movement while remaining undetected; for if you are, poo really flows... I've experienced this a few times, this job is definitely not for the weak hearted.
Sometimes you will get surprised by the enemy. Most of the time, it is your partner, whenever you are on reccee.
But you will be with three more guys whom you most probably would know more about than you would of yourself. You would know their sillouettes so well that you don't even need all passwords... You would know what colour underwear they wear, what time do they love to nap, and most importantly, what kind of canned food they bring outfield.
First, you would be sent packing to your vehicle course, which would either be for the class 2B, or class 3. For class 2B, your precious transport is the Yamaha motorcycle. You would sweat buckets under the hot sun with helmet, elbow, knee and shin guards, but the instructors are very nice people.
For class 3, you would find yourself playing on your PSP for most of the time, but the instructors would strangulate you for the slightest mistake. Trust me, my platoon mates hated their instructors.
After you get your licence to drive, you will be sent packing to go for the licence to observe over at SMI. From there, you would realise how fun hell actually is...
Lectures follow lectures... Then it is to the parade square where you do your MOI, accompanied by lots of sweating and endurance.
Later on, you would also go through infiltration lessons teaching you to sneak in and out of places without being detected.
It is tough, but rewarding. The times at SMI were ones I would never forget. Like how the entire platoon overslept once after many days of 5-hour sleeps, and we all fell in. Nobody said anything, including the commanders (whom were guilty of it too
) We silently marched for lesson, and that episode was quickly forgotten...
I've some semblence of a diary of my own journey at my blog. That is, if you can get it among the riff-raff... Check the archives!