Reservist Call-Up (eSAF 100)
(Fm: MINDEF) You have a National Service Call-Up Notification. For more details, go to or call 6446 7636. For assistance, call 1800-eNSNSNS (3676767).
Ops Mob Manning
To listen to the message via IVRS, please call 6242 5242
Pioneer Magazine Cancellation
Reservists: Call 6373 1114 or
NSF: Find Unit Clerk / Chief Clerk
Just provide Name, NRIC No. & a Simple Reason for Cancellation.
An electronic handbook designed to educate NSF on
his responsibilities before transiting to Operationally Ready
National Serviceman (ORNSman).
This handbook comprises the following information:
As a trial, Army will be embarking on this platform to streamline NSF ORD administrative procedures. NSFs in Army Service are to read and acknowledge the followings:-
Click HERE to access MyORD.
The SAF Good Service Medal
For NSmen
- 2 years of full time service served as NSF and 3 HK ICT served as
(Using 1 HK ICT as equivalent to 1 year of active
* NSF who did not fulfill 2 years of full time service due to the
waiver given for passing NAPFA, they would be deemed to have
fulfilled 2 years of full-time NSF.
SAF National Service Medal
For NSmen
- Service served as NSmen/ ROVERs only.
- To fulfil 90% of the NSTS (6 HK ICTs & 3 LK ICTs)
*This is a revised requirement that approximates the qualifying
criteria for MINDEF Reserve (ie. 7 HK within a 10-ICT NSTS; and 8HK
within a 13-ICT NSTS for KAHs).