Originally posted by Suicine:
A guy went to the forest for a meditation retreat, and was gone for 11 whole years! Police dogs and humans combed the area but found no trace of anything. His passport and belongings were found intact in his chalet, so he couldn't have gone abroad. Was he taken away by some spirits from the forest? Did he meditate himself to some heaven? You decide!
Regarding about Thomas Yeo , I hope to shed some light in understanding about self-imposed retreat
First , for me i am against self-imposed retreat ,because I am a person based on Family values .If one wish to practice meditation ,one should informed the family members
I Convey my condolescence to the family ,if he passed away.
In Buddhism self-imposed retreat is not that common ,and i do not feel meditation will "lead" ppl to abandon family behind
In the eyes of many master ,self-imposed retreat will only be allowed by one's teacher ,only if one attained a certain level of awareness and insight into
the universe and being able to uphold one's precepts for many years.
there have been criticism about retreats but many does not understand the real meaning of a retreat .
Because retreat is much encouraged after certain years of practice ,but it isnt the standard practice for Buddhist.
Some Buddhist carry on the practice of group meditation and chanting to strengthen the Buddhist faith
There is many dharma-door , and not just a retreat .
My views sincerely