The Pureland Pictures found in Central Asia , very similar to the Early Buddhism model of Pureland teaching when Buddha Sakyamuni Preach on Pureland Teaching of the Western Paradise
Dewachen is the Tibetan name for Amitabha Pureland
As Visualisation Sutra entered the Tibetan Plateau by Present-day Pakistan
Pureland Buddhism was also integrated into the Practice of Esoteric School
1.Phowas or Visualisations before death
Introduction to the Essential Phowa Practice
By Christine Longaker
Phowa practice
In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Phowa is considered the most valuable and effective practice for death. The word phowa means the transference or ejection of consciousness into the state of truth. Its success relies on invoking the presence of a buddha (a fully enlightened being), combined with our receptivity and devotion, and the familiarity which comes from having done the practice repeatedly throughout our life.
Sogyal Rinpoche has taught an Essential Phowa practice which is not just for the moment of death. It also helps to purify our regrets, harm and negativity, and it can be used to assist in emotional or physical healing. The Essential Phowa is a practice for our whole life as well as for the time of dying, and it is the principal practice we rely on to offer spiritual support to others at the moment of death, and afterward.
2.The Oral Commentaries
of His Holiness The Drikung Kyabgön, Chetsang Rinpoche
Translated by Michael Lewis
Transcribed by Ngakpa Jeffery Könchog Gyaltsen
©San Francisco Ratna Shri Sangha
Amitabha Buddha and the Pureland of Dewachen
The Pureland of Great Bliss was brought into reality because of one of the 48 Great Vows. This is the cause for
the existence of Pureland of great Bliss. This pureland does not exist causelessly, nothing does. The cause for
it was the activity of the bodhisattva who became the Buddha Amitabha. In general, all the Buddhas hold all
sentient beings in the core of their heart with love and compassion. Out of their great compassion, they
formulate powerful aspirations. They make great vows. They work through many lifetimes; while in training as
bodhisattvas before they became Buddhas to affect all sentient beings in vast variety of ways. Just as you can
create fire by rubbing two sticks together, long enough and hard enough, so, by the accumulation of merit and
primordial wisdom, anything can be accomplished. What was accomplished, in this case, was the establishment of
the Pureland of Great Bliss in the western direction of our universe by the Buddha Amitabha through His vast
store of merit and primordial wisdom. Let us, again, examine the metaphor of the two sticks that are needed to
create fire. Fire does not spring automatically from one stick. You need two sticks and you need the effort of
rubbing them together in a particular way over a period of time. Eventually a spark leaps from the conjunction
of the sticks and fire begins. In a similar way, all phenomena, all reality, all dharmas, manifest by the
conjunction of emptiness and interdependent origination. Everything is totally interrelated with each other
thing. That is called interdependent origination. That is one stick. The other stick is emptiness. : The truth
of emptiness, the complete lack of inherent existence of any phenomena. The two sticks together, are the actual
nature of reality. This is true of everything, of all realities. Leave aside the pureland for a moment and let
us examine the realm in which we live. Our world is the same. Our world is the product of non-dual union of
clarity and emptiness, of appearance and emptiness. Things appear in a completely unimpeded way