Thanks for sharing

Was just reminded of this in 'A New Earth' by Eckhart Tolle (though I guess Thusness is going to correct us on the non-duality aspect

THE DREAMER AND THE DREAMNonresistance is the key to the greatest power in the universe. Through
it, consciousness (spirit) is freed form its imprisonment in form. Inner
nonresistance to form – whatever is or happens – is a denial of the absolute
reality of form. Resistance makes the world and the things of the world
appear more real, more solid, and more lasting than they are, including your
own form identity, the ego. It endows the world and the ego with a heaviness
and an absolute importance that makes you take yourself and the world very
seriously. The play of form is then misperceived as a struggle for survival,
and when that is your perception, it becomes your reality.
The many things that happen, the many forms that life takes on, are of
an ephemeral nature. They are all fleeting. Things, bodies and egos, events,
situations, thoughts, emotions, desires, ambitions, fears, drama... they come,
pretend to be allimportant, and before you know it they are gone, dissolved
into the nothingness out of which they came. Where they ever real? Were
they ever more than a dream, the dream of form?
When we wake up in the morning, the night's dream dissolves, and we
say, “Oh, it was only a dream. It wasn't real.” But something in the dream
must have been real otherwise it could not be. When death approaches, we
may look back on our life and wonder if it was just another dream. Even now
you may look back on last year's vacation or yesterday's drama and see that it
is very similar to last night's dream.
There is the dream, and there is the dreamer of the dream. The dream
is a shortlived play of forms. It is the world – relatively real but not absolutely real. Then there is the dreamer, the absolute reality in which the forms come and go. The dreamer is not the person. The person is part of the dream. The dreamer is the substratum in which the dream appears, that which makes the dream possible. It is the absolute behind the relative, the timeless behind time, the consciousness in and behind form. The dreamer is consciousness itself – who you are.
To awaken within the dream is our purpose now. When we are awake within the dream, the egocreated earthdrama comes to an end and a more benign and wondrous dream arises. This is the new earth.