Statement Regarding “Lu Jun Hong’s Function in Malaysia”
22 February 2014 at 14:43
來自澳洲的盧è»�å®�(澳洲æ�±æ–¹è�¯èªžé›»å�°å�°é•·ï¼Œäººç¨±ç›§å�°é•·ï¼‰ï¼Œå�³å°‡äºŽ2014å¹´3月2日來馬來西亞舉辦“玄è—�綜述”è�¬äººå¤§åž‹ç�¾å ´è§£ç”會。å°�æ–¼æ¤æ´»å‹•ï¼Œå�„ 地佛團皆收到信眾æ��出關於其宣說内容之æ£ä¿¡èˆ‡å�¦ã€‚爲æ¤ï¼Œé¦¬ä¾†è¥¿äºžå�„主è¦�佛教團體,èª�爲需è¦�è�¯å�ˆé—¡æ˜Žæ£ä¿¡ä½›æ•™ä¹‹å†…æ¶µèˆ‡ç«‹å ´ï¼Œä»¥æ”¶æ•™è‚²å¤§è¡†ä¹‹æ•ˆã€‚
佛教傳世二å�ƒäº”百餘年,漢傳佛教和è—�傳佛教也有å�ƒå¹´ä»¥ä¸Šçš„發展與傳承,所有經典和咒語,都有其深廣的教義,以å�Šåº¦çœ¾çš„å› ç·£ï¼Œä¸–äººä¸�能擅改其æ„�。
據悉,盧å�°é•·æ‰€å®£æ�šçš„心é�ˆæ³•é–€å†…容,å°�ä½›é–€çš„ç¶“å’’ï¼ŒåŠ è¨»äº†è¨±å¤šä½›é–€å¾žæœªæœ‰é�Žçš„詮釋,包括å��å°�è¿´å�‘功德ã€�æŸ�些時辰ä¸�能誦經ã€�特定的經咒å�¯ä»¥å› 應信眾ä¸� å�Œçš„需求ã€�èª�為「天é�“ã€�比佛界還高ã€�誦經æŒ�咒後畫「å°�房å�ã€�å†�焚化以求功德ç‰ï¼Œé›–看似引用許多佛教經咒,但若仔細å°�ç…§æ£ä¿¡ä½›æ•™ç»�è—�内容,å�³å�¯æ¸…楚皆é�žä½›æ‰€ 說。
æ£ä¿¡çš„佛教教義,著é‡�於教導信徒宇宙人生的真實æ„�義,並ä¸�鼓勵貪求ã€�執著世間的一切;佛教強調「自利利他ã€�,凡個人所有功德,皆å�¯ä»¥å›žå�‘親å�‹ã€�世 ç•Œã€�法界。å°�於這兩點,盧å�°é•·å��å…¶é�“而行,把佛教的《大悲咒》ã€�《心經》局é™�於世間ç¦�å ±çš„è¿½æ±‚ã€�治病ã€�超度亡é�ˆï¼Œè€Œä¸”å��å°�è¿´å�‘功德,把佛門強調慈悲ã€�智慧 的主旨擱置一æ—�。
最後,若想更深入çžè§£æ£ä¿¡çš„佛教以å�Šå…¶ä¿®æŒ�,我們呼å��民眾應多å�ƒèˆ‡æ£ä¿¡ä½›æ•™é�“å ´æ‰€èˆ‰è¾¦çš„å¼˜æ³•ä»¥å�Šä½›å¸èª²ç¨‹ï¼Œæ‰�èƒ½å¤ æ‡‚å¾—åˆ†è¾¨çœŸåƒžï¼Œè€Œä¸�å�—附佛外é�“的蒙蔽,若有疑å•�,å�¯è�¯çµ¡åœ‹å…§å�„大æ£ä¿¡ä½›æ•™åœ˜é«”å�Šæ³•å¸«ã€‚
為æ¤ï¼Œé¦¬ä¾†è¥¿äºžä¸»è¦�佛教團體特æ¤ç™¼å‡ºåš´æ£çš„è�²æ˜Žï¼Œä»¥æ£è¦–è�½ï¼Œå¸Œæœ›å»£å¤§çš„佛教徒ã€�æ°‘çœ¾èƒ½å¤ ç´°å¯Ÿã€‚
法鼓山馬來西亞é�“å ´
Actually , I found some of his books were pretty beneficial in helping me understand some of the concept of Buddhism although I disagree with some of chanting aspects that he has preached.
His concept of Buddhism is very questionable. Can you discuss what you have learnt from him about Buddhism?
Comments at list some of Lu's questionability.
Joint Press Statement by Major Buddhist Associations in Malaysia
21 February 2014
Mr. Lu Jun Hong from Australia (Director of Australia’s Eastern Radio Station, also known as Director Lu), will be organizing a Q&A seminar regarding “A Summary on the Art of Mystery” on 2nd of March 2014 in Malaysia. In relation to this seminar, many Buddhist associations have received enquiries from the public on whether the contents of this seminar are in accordance with the real Buddhist teachings. Thus, the major Buddhist associations in Malaysia felt the need to clarify and reiterate the true Buddhist teachings in order to educate the public.
Buddhism has been propagated for more than 2500 years and Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism have been inherited and developed for more than a thousand years. Every sutra and mantra consists of profound meanings and teachings to relieve the sufferings of sentient beings and such teachings should not be altered by any lay person.
The spiritual teachings advocated by Director Lu contains interpretations that are unknown in Buddhism, including opposing the transference of merits, indicating timings that are unsuitable for chanting, advocating that certain sutra and mantra can fulfill the different needs of devotees, advocating that the “heavenly way” is more invincible than the Buddha’s realm, sketching a small house and burning it after chanting to seek merits etc. Even though he cites many Buddhist sutras and mantras in his teachings, if one compares them to the real Buddhist texts, one will know that such teachings are not the real teachings of the Buddha.
Buddhist teachings emphasize on educating devotees to realize the true reality of the universe and human life and do not encourage greed and attachment to worldly pleasures. Buddhism emphasizes on benefiting oneself and others, one can transfer his or her merits to family, friends, the world and the Dharma realm. Focusing on these two points, Director Lu opposes such practice and limits the teachings of The Great Compassion Mantra and Heart Sutra within the pursuit of worldly merits, healing of diseases, and is against the act of transference of merits, thereby disregarding the main objectives of compassion and wisdom in Buddhism.
Apart from this, Director Lu specializes in interpreting dreams and Feng Shui and he claims to be able to converse with the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and thus he is rather popular among the public; some devotees even worship him as the incarnation of the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Buddhism emphasizes on following the Dharma but not the individual, the practice of promoting personal worshipping is not encouraged in Buddhism.
Lastly, if you wish to know more about Buddhism and its cultivation methods, we would like to appeal to the public to participate in Dharma services and courses organized by major Buddhist Dharma centers, so that you will be on the right path and not be confused by the teachings of a cult. Should you have any enquiries, you may contact any Buddhist associations and Dharma teachers within the country.
Thus, the major Buddhist associations of Malaysia hereby release a press statement to ensure a correct understanding on this issue.
Joint Statement by:
Malaysian Buddhist Association
Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia
Malaysian Buddhist Dharma Propagation Association
Sri Lankan Buddhist Progress Association of Malaysia
Malaysian Buddhist Vajrayana Association
Theravada Buddhist Association of Malaysia
Buddha’s Light International Association of Malaysia
Fo Guang Shan Malaysia
Fa Gu Shan Malaysia
Petaling Guan Yin Temple
Kuala Lumpur He Ming Zen Temple
Originally posted by An Eternal Now:His concept of Buddhism is very questionable. Can you discuss what you have learnt from him about Buddhism?
I happen to pick up some free books "白�佛法" vol 1 & 2 from Master Lu Jun Hong.. It is the easier buddhism book that I have read and I can relate my life to buddhism much better now. As I have study Buddhism as a subject during my 'O' Level, I don't find anything questionable or stuffs that deviate from the core teaching of Buddha in his books. I believe the reason why his book was so well written is because of his frequent interaction with followers on his radio show. He was able to use real life suffering from his follower living in this modern world to illustrate how karma affect us and how buddhism can alleviate our suffering . Although I have no intention to follow his 心�法门, I am grateful on what I have learnt from his book.
Buddhism has been propagated for more than 2500 years and Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism have been inherited and developed for more than a thousand years. Every sutra and mantra consists of profound meanings and teachings to relieve the sufferings of sentient beings and such teachings should not be altered by any lay person.
Originally posted by Kanzeo:Originally posted by Dharmasharer:Buddhism has been propagated for more than 2500 years and Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism have been inherited and developed for more than a thousand years. Every sutra and mantra consists of profound meanings and teachings to relieve the sufferings of sentient beings and such teachings should not be altered by any lay person.
Buddhism is a cosmic religion transcending time and space. Heavenly gods or devas practice Buddhism as well from the Asura realm all the way up to the Pure Lands. By merely relating 2500 years of current buddhist teachings to billions if not to the infinite kalpas gone by is unduly. The human understanding of religion based on mundane insight is not enough understand the complete wisdom.
I say this as it is known that people born as westerners are capable of greater compassion such as humanitarism and charitable generous than the average Chinese regardless of religion. Western society is based on using previous knowledge and precedence to set fourth a better civilisation. Many Chinese know if of merit and good deeds and may become misguided by doing such they will be rewarded in end. Though doing good deeds is may allow one to gain positive karma, it may not necessarily come from the inner heart of the person. For example, people and organisations whom have set to free animals from suffering in captivity or exploitation or the even simply implementing more humane methods of slaughtering animals ( please understand how animals are treated prior to slaughter and how they used for human purposes) may infact let them earn many times greater merit than a practitioner whos stays at a temple and only relating with commoners. Though i must say that western society in general leans closer to the first dhyana (�禅天) and below and thus extremely pleasurable and successful in humanly terms. How many successful scientists have been created based on the traditional methods of Chinese thinking? Would a buddhist monk in fact be as well rounded as Albert Einstein or Galileo Galilei whom used human innovation and creativity to explore the skies and prove that the world was infact not round and that many planets existed just like our own? Would these great scientists even be able to rival or expand on what traditional buddhists are able to believe and look beyond the books? Is understanding the self as hard understanding quantum mechanics or even mathematical theory?
We must combine heavenly qualities in our earthly bodies if we are to ever understand Buddhism like the great Masters now and before us. I can assure you that even reaching the first heaven after death is difficult and is reserved for extremely kind and generous. How can you reach the Pure Land if you can not even reach the first heaven closest to Earth? The Buddha taught us that the human realm is superior to escaping the cycle of rebirth and suffering compared to cultivating in a Pure Land for a reason let alone being the only realm for reaching Buddha hood.
If Buddhists are so fast to condemn the teachings of others without looking at themselves asking whether they have escaped suffering and illness then it is perhaps themselves whom have not cultivated enough. If you can save yourself then why should you complain and stop other people from being saved?
I will emphasise again that what the Shakyamuni Buddha taught transcended alot of what was circulated at the time and human civilisation was in its beginning again. He used his empirical observation to show us what we know today. Modern today will not believe in Gods or ghosts or even the afterlife but however as Buddhists, we do. We believe in such because it may be due to culture, religion or even paranormal experiences but how much of know is the complete truth? We can not answer this because we are human just like the observable universe we see through our telescopes may be as small of 4% of the total universe.
The texts have been altered in anyway and any combination of mantras revealed by Guan Yin Pu Sa definately will be effective yet the timing of the revelation will definately be a result of the proper timing or karma of our times.
The spiritual teachings advocated by Director Lu contains interpretations that are unknown in Buddhism, including opposing the transference of merits, indicating timings that are unsuitable for chanting, advocating that certain sutra and mantra can fulfill the different needs of devotees, advocating that the “heavenly way” is more invincible than the Buddha’s realm, sketching a small house and burning it after chanting to seek merits etc. Even though he cites many Buddhist sutras and mantras in his teachings, if one compares them to the real Buddhist texts, one will know that such teachings are not the real teachings of the Buddha.
I must elaborate the teachings and interpretations are definately known in Buddhism whilst aiming for the goal of relieving one of their sins from past lives to achieve happiness and ending the cycle suffering and rebirth if one chooses to.
Tibetan or Vajrayana Buddhism for one emphasises the spiritual and physical well being of the practitioner. Through practicing spiritual, the person is able to better understand the cosmos and world around them. If one who does not bother go into the distance to seek the truth then they will forever remain as a toad living in a well. 超度 or reciting chants for dead is not only a Buddhist but also a Taoist and present in alot religions but expressed differently. The idea is the same and believes in that good deeds can eliminate sin which affects our spiritual body. A person with alot of positive energy will be healthy.
Why would the heavenly way be more invincible than the Buddha's realm is beyond me since they two completely different concepts. The perception of one being superior will not you allow you to escape the cycle of rebirth and suffering since you have been trapped in the realm of form if not the desire realm. The Buddha clearly states that they will manifest in many forms such as Guan Shi Yin Pu Sa through 32 manifestations.
三�二应分类 32 manifestations
1.(一)佛身应,若è§�诸è�©è�¨å…¥ä¸‰æ‘©åœ°ï¼Œè¿›ä¿®æ— æ¼�,胜解现圆时,则于彼å‰�应现佛身,而为说法。
(三)缘觉应,已æ–å��äºŒå› ç¼˜è€…ï¼Œç¼˜æ–胜性,胜妙现圆,å�³äºŽå½¼å‰�应现缘觉身,而为说法。
(ä¹�) 天大将军应,若诸众生爱统鬼神ã€�救护国土,å�³çŽ°æ¤èº«è€Œä¸ºè¯´æ³•ã€‚
(廿二)童男应,若有众生ä¸�å��ç”·æ ¹ï¼Œå�³åº”现æ¤èº«ï¼Œè€Œä¸ºè¯´æ³•ã€‚
(å�…二)é�žäººåº”,é�žäººå�³é¬¼ç•œä¹‹ç±»ã€‚若诸é�žäººæœ‰å½¢ã€�æ— å½¢ï¼Œæœ‰æƒ³ã€�æ— æƒ³ï¼Œä¹�度其伦,则于彼å‰�应现其身,而为说法,令彼解脱。
è�©è�¨åœ¨åŽŸæ–‡ä¸ä¸º“独觉”,夜å�‰åœ¨åŽŸæ–‡ä¸ä¸º“è�¯å�‰”。æ¤ä¸‰å��二应系è�©è�¨ä»¥ä¸‰æ˜§é—»è–°ã€�闻修ã€�æ— ä½œä¹‹å¦™åŠ›æ‰€å¾—ä¹‹è‡ªåœ¨æˆ�就。与《法å�Žç»�·æ™®é—¨å“�》所说之三å��三身大å�Œå°�
Buddhism has been propagated for more than 2500 years and Mahayana and Tibetan Buddhism have been inherited and developed for more than a thousand years. Every sutra and mantra consists of profound meanings and teachings to relieve the sufferings of sentient beings and such teachings should not be altered by any lay person.
Buddhism is a cosmic religion transcending time and space. Heavenly gods or devas practice Buddhism as well from the Asura realm all the way up to the Pure Lands. By merely relating 2500 years of current buddhist teachings to billions if not to the infinite kalpas gone by is unduly. The human understanding of religion based on mundane insight is not enough understand the complete wisdom.
I say this as it is known that people born as westerners are capable of greater compassion such as humanitarism and charitable generous than the average Chinese regardless of religion. Western society is based on using previous knowledge and precedence to set fourth a better civilisation. Many Chinese know if of merit and good deeds and may become misguided by doing such they will be rewarded in end. Though doing good deeds is may allow one to gain positive karma, it may not necessarily come from the inner heart of the person. For example, people and organisations whom have set to free animals from suffering in captivity or exploitation or the even simply implementing more humane methods of slaughtering animals ( please understand how animals are treated prior to slaughter and how they used for human purposes) may infact let them earn many times greater merit than a practitioner whos stays at a temple and only relating with commoners. Though i must say that western society in general leans closer to the first dhyana (�禅天) and below and thus extremely pleasurable and successful in humanly terms. How many successful scientists have been created based on the traditional methods of Chinese thinking? Would a buddhist monk in fact be as well rounded as Albert Einstein or Galileo Galilei whom used human innovation and creativity to explore the skies and prove that the world was infact not round and that many planets existed just like our own? Would these great scientists even be able to rival or expand on what traditional buddhists are able to believe and look beyond the books? Is understanding the self as hard understanding quantum mechanics or even mathematical theory?
We must combine heavenly qualities in our earthly bodies if we are to ever understand Buddhism like the great Masters now and before us. I can assure you that even reaching the first heaven after death is difficult and is reserved for extremely kind and generous. How can you reach the Pure Land if you can not even reach the first heaven closest to Earth? The Buddha taught us that the human realm is superior to escaping the cycle of rebirth and suffering compared to cultivating in a Pure Land for a reason let alone being the only realm for reaching Buddha hood.
If Buddhists are so fast to condemn the teachings of others without looking at themselves asking whether they have escaped suffering and illness then it is perhaps themselves whom have not cultivated enough. If you can not save yourself then why should you complain and stop other people from being saved?
I will emphasise again that what the Shakyamuni Buddha taught transcended alot of what was circulated at the time and human civilisation was in its beginning again. He used his empirical observation to show us what we know today. Modern people today will not believe in Gods or ghosts or even the afterlife but however as Buddhists, we do. We believe in such because it may be due to culture, religion or even paranormal experiences but how much of know is the complete truth? We can not answer this because we are human just like the observable universe we see through our telescopes may be as small of 4% of the total universe.
The texts have not been altered in anyway and any combination of mantras revealed by Guan Yin Pu Sa definately will be effective yet the timing of the revelation will definately be a result of the proper timing or karma of our times.
After reading, i felt it is still craving at work, and that is craving for becoming.
I can't agree what is posted here. Sorry about it
What cravings are at work though? What craving is there for becoming? I dont understand what you trying to say. In order to voice an opinion, i must take on a perspective even if it is very simplistic. Hoarding knowledge is not a good thing given everybody's background or level is different. I prefer the Boddhisatva way hence my reason to explain using proof from texts as well as from experience and logic. Perhaps making people understand on my level is my craving.
Well yes, my craving is for the Boddhisatva way which requires great compassion which i lack, however there can be no idiot when it comes to refining one's self.
I prefer attaching meaning to things which despite making me attached to the material world, i am able mould the environment to suit my needs. I use to self reflect alot and reach the emptiness and nothingness until i realised that this is all just a conceptual problem just like the 84000 dharma doors which is just a metaphor for the innumerable paths for enlightenment.
Greetings Kanzeo, I am unfamiliar with Master Lu Jun Hong, perhaps you would permit me a few questions, seeing you are familiar wit his teachings. A disciple perhaps?
Would I would like to know is :-
1) Whether you take the three refuges should you want to be a disciple instead of just being a lay devotee.
2) What is Master Lu Jun Hong's refuge and root guru, eg. his lineage?
3) What do you think constitute your teacher‘s core teachings?
4) Which Bodhisattva vow did disciples take
5) What are your views on letting go?
Thank you in advance!
Originally posted by Kanzeo:What cravings are at work though? What craving is there for becoming? I dont understand what you trying to say. In order to voice an opinion, i must take on a perspective even if it is very simplistic. Hoarding knowledge is not a good thing given everybody's background or level is different. I prefer the Boddhisatva way hence my reason to explain using proof from texts as well as from experience and logic. Perhaps making people understand on my level is my craving.
Well yes, my craving is for the Boddhisatva way which requires great compassion which i lack, however there can be no idiot when it comes to refining one's self.
I see... when i mention craving for becoming, i was refering to rebirth in the heavens. It doesn't lead to Unbinding (not referring to the anagamis in the Pure Abodes).. because you believe Master Lu's teachings that heaven ways are better.
I'm also not familiar with Master Lu, but reading from the post you posted does raise some questions... e.g. why Pureland was mentioned as not ideal to relieve out of suffering..? The first doubt in 10 doubts of Pureland mentions that Pureland is expedient means to reach Buddhahood and help other sentient beings.
2- Rebirth doesn't make any difference between the heavens and Pureland. Refer to doubt no. 9
And also from:
Miln III.7.5: Simultaneous Arising in Different Places {Miln 82-83}
The king asked: "Venerable Nagasena, if someone passes away and is reborn in the Brahma world, and if another passes away and is reborn in Kashmir, which one takes the longer time, and which the shorter?"
"They are the same, your majesty."
"Give me an analogy."
"Your majesty, where is your town of birth?"
"There is a place called Kalasigama, there I was born."
"How far away, your majesty, is Kalasigama from here?"
"About 200 yojana,[1] venerable sir."
"How far away, your majesty, is Kashmir from here?"
"About 12 yojana, venerable sir."
"Go on then, your majesty, think about Kalasigama."
"I have thought about it, venerable sir."
"Go on then, your majesty, think about Kashmir."
"I have thought about it, venerable sir."
"Which thinking took a long time, your majesty, and which a short time?"
"They were the same, venerable sir."
"Just so, your majesty, if someone passes away and is reborn in the Brahma world, and if another passes away and is reborn in Kashmir, they happen in the same time."
"Give me another analogy."
"What do you think, your majesty, if two birds fly in the sky and one sits in a high tree, and the other in a low tree; if these happen at the same time, the shadow of which one would settle on the ground first, and which one later?"
"They are the same, venerable sir."
"Just so, your majesty, if someone passes away and is reborn in the Brahma world, and if another passes away and is reborn in Kashmir, they happen in the same time."
"You are clever, venerable Nagasena."
Lastly, you claimed that Guan yin has revealed the mantras and claimed to be true...? It's too risky in my opinion. Would like you to spend more time and think carefully.