Dear friends I am selling a brand new set of iphone 4 (16GB) from starhub.
Starting bid will be $1100.
Folks must be stupid to pay $1100 for it when they can get it for $888.
Originally posted by Ä«Õß:¸ïÀë:$500
Ridiculous offer...
S$1,100. Umm... looks like we can get it new for a cheaper price here. Do your homework before trying to rip people off tard.
KNN. So expensive. I use the money buy 2 I phones. LOL.
WTF?!?! Only a samsung galaxy s could be sold at that price!
800 I take, Serious.
A high-baller who thinks people in this forum are dumb. Worse still, TS is selling a 16GB iPHONE 4!
@ Tanhoi86 : I'd suggest, you'd take your iPhone and try sell it to Handphone Shop, quote them the price you are offering to us here. See what they say. You'd be fortunate if they dont tick you off or show you a dick.
eh guys. im not related to TS. i oso dunno y. however my bro jus sold his 16gb set to a dealer for 1.1k. seems like there r pple buying at dat price.
whose that carrot who brought the phone...LOL