Actual Title: Doraemon: Nobita no makai dai bouken
Genre: Adventure and Magic
Summary: Nobita requests of Doraemon the Moshimo-box and wishes for the world to become a place where the use of magic is possible. Witchcraft replaces science and technology and everyone makes use of it on their daily lives, except for Nobita, who, like usual, isn't very good at conjuring spells. Frustrated, he plans on returning things to their past state, but his mother threw the Moshimo-box away.
One day, Doraemon and his friends meet Professor Mangetsu (満月先生?), who studies magic and magical beings such as goblins, and his daughter Miyoko (美夜�), and are warned of the dangerous approximation of the "star of the Underworld" to the Earth's orbit.
With the future of the planet at stake, the group must travel to the Underworld and pierce the heart of the Underworld King with a silver dart, as detailed in the ancient texts of "The Chronicles of the Underworld". Their attempts are, however, thwarted and Miyoko captured.
Doraemon and his friends then decided to use the Time Machine to return to the past and, using Dorami's Moshimo-box, they manage to restore the Earth. The events on the Underworld continue, however, to take place in a Parallel Universe, where Miyoko is still captive. As a result, the group is once again forced to travel to the Underworld and defeat its tyrannical ruler once and for all. (from: wikipedia)
Personal Rating:
Personal Comment: For those who grew up with doraemon, you should know basicly how this movie should go, with a little minor changes here and there you might not expect... For those who don't know Doraemon, where on earth have you been?
Compared to the previous Doraemon movie in 2006, this movie promises more action and adventure as the gang enters a world of magic and demons. However, the movie is a little bit more serious atmosphere, lacking all the funny faces the gang made in the privious movie, which is still a good thing as it goes well with the slightly more serious storyline. But that doesn't mean that the show lack its comedy. There were some parts I almost chock on my tea laughing.
Animation wise, as anime technology had evolved thruout the years, the doraemon movie also feature a more colourful artwork and a lot more motion compared to the Doraemon movies of the previous years which will bring plenty of action especially in the fight scenes.
I personally like this movie more that the one in 2006 (which was released in 2007 in Singapore)
Overall, this is a fun movie which can be enjoyed among families and friends as we travel down memory lane. And for those who don't know Doraemon (how can you not know Doraemon?), I gurantee it will still be a fun show to watch.
good for kids and family..
Sample of the movie...