Anybody have recommendations to 'O' Level Pure geography guide books?i find the textbook content vague...i would want more examples and points for my geography examinations....and the textbook also i feel that there is too many unneccessary any recommendations?
i wanna get a B3 or better for my 'O' Levels this year
Dear Blasst,
In my humble opinion, the best way to learn geography at your age is.. learn from model essays, from there you do your mind maps. Apparantly, last time in my school, the history students followed the mindmapping and did reasonably well.
Redspot has a book on the essays based on past year questions.
Best Regards,
Chin Seng
Homework Forum Moderator
hmm,is it alot memorising work as reading from the textbook?
as time pass by,teacher teach more and more,more and more content will be
memorise like siao get a b4 for eoy.
Dear Blasst,
If you aim for a B3 in Geography O Level, you will never get it :) The mind set of a top student is very different from the average. I urge you to differenciate yourself from the rest and start to aim for A1.
Mindmap are easier to "see" - visualize, the whole concept as a big picture. Memorizing won't work in today's Education anymore. If you want to get Aces, you need to act like a teacher. A teacher understand his/her work before he can teach you. So purely memorizing won't get you so far...
I have a book for you, please check your PM.
Best Regards,
Chin Seng
Homework Forum Moderator