原載於離教者之家 - æ–‡ç« åˆ†äº«
The Seduction of Fundamentalism
(author and source unknown)
Many members of fundamentalist religions were first seduced into it because it appeared to them to be a comforting religion. It promised to the person who felt lost in a society that is not perfect that, yes, there are simple answers to complex problems.
很多基è¦�派基ç�£æ•™çš„æ•™å¾’æ˜¯è¢«å¼•èª˜è€Œé€²å…¥çš„ï¼Œå› ç‚ºå®ƒè¡¨é�¢çœ‹ä¾†æ˜¯ä¸€å€‹å…·å®‰æ…°æ€§çš„宗教。它å�‘人承諾,當人在ä¸�完美的社會ä¸æ„Ÿåˆ°å¤±è�½ï¼Œå°�於這些複雜的難題,是會有一些簡單ç”案的。
Many people find it hard to cope. They see that the universe is not only complex but it is dangerous. There are diseases and death, floods and hurricanes, earthquakes and catastrophes. The poor frightened human, able to understand the danger but neither able to accept it nor do anything about it, finds that the presence of the Supreme Boss is extremely desirable -- especially if the Boss can be manipulated by magical signs and incantations.
很多人難以é�©æ‡‰ç¤¾æœƒï¼Œä»–們視這世界既複雜且å�±éšªã€‚世界有很多疾病å�Šæ»äº¡ã€�洪水å�Šé¢¨æš´ã€�地震å�Šç�½é›£ã€‚那些å�¯æ†�å�ˆå�—驚的人們,雖然能明白這些å�±éšªï¼Œä½†å�»æŽ¥å�—ä¸�了,å�ˆä¸�能å�šäº›ç”šéº¼ï¼Œæ–¼æ˜¯ä¸€ä½�至高無上的主宰的å˜åœ¨ï¼Œæ˜¯å��分切å�ˆæœŸæœ›çš„,尤其是當這主宰能使用é �言å�Šé”法。
But it will ultimately occur to the fundamentalist that anyone or anything which denies the existence of the Boss threatens the safety, even the very survival, of the believer. The infidel must be brought into the fold or, at least, prevented from acting contrary to the values of the fundamentalist.
但是終有一天,基è¦�派信徒會èª�為,任何å�¦èª�主宰å˜åœ¨çš„人或事物,都會å�±å®³ä¿¡å¾’çš„å®‰å…¨ã€‚å¿…é ˆè¦�把ä¸�信者帶進羊圈,或者至少防æ¢ä»–們與基è¦�派信徒的價值觀å°�立起來。
It is at this time that the fundamentalist is in the greatest danger of gradually becoming part of a religion of violence. The first promise of fundamentalism has disappeared. It has become a religion that turns its members into irrational followers whose hatred for much of this world is now the most basic part of their personality. Little did these converts realize that they were in danger of becoming believers who religiously violate the basic standards of the religion.
這個時候,基è¦�派信徒是最å�±éšªçš„,他們會漸漸地æˆ�為這暴力性宗教的其ä¸ä¸€éƒ¨åˆ†ã€‚基è¦�派最åˆ�的承諾消失了,它æˆ�功把信徒改變æˆ�ä¸�ç�†æ€§çš„跟隨者,憎æ�¨ä¸–上許多事物,ç�¾åœ¨å·²æˆ�ç‚ºä»–å€‘æ€§æ ¼çš„æœ€åŸºæœ¬éƒ¨åˆ†ã€‚é€™äº›è¢«æ”¹è®Šçš„äººå¾ˆå°‘æœƒç™¼ç�¾ï¼Œä»–們æ£æœ‰å�±æ©Ÿï¼Œæˆ�為在宗教上é�•å��這宗教基本標準的信徒。
Day by day, the scripture has become the fundamentalist's only source of knowledge because it is the very word of the Boss. By definition, the bible must be literally true. "The Boss said it, I believe it, that settles it."
日復一日,è�–經æˆ�為基è¦�派信徒的唯一知è˜ä¾†æº�ï¼Œå› ç‚ºå®ƒæ˜¯ä¸»å®°çœŸå¯¦çš„èªªè©±ã€‚æ ¹æ“šå®šç¾©ï¼Œè�–經一定是å—é�¢ä¸Šç„¡èª¤çš„。「主宰說的,我信,那就是了。ã€�
The Boss must be understandable, so the believers create a being that looks like them and talks like them. The Boss even has many of the same limitations that they have. Then they define the Boss as omnipotent which also brings the dream of their own omnipotence a step closer.
主宰一定ç�†è§£æˆ‘å€‘çš„ï¼Œæ‰€ä»¥ä¿¡å¾’æœƒå‰µé€ ä¸€å€‹å€‹é«”ï¼Œè·Ÿä»–å€‘é•·ç›¸ç›¸ä¼¼ï¼Œèªªè©±ç›¸ä¼¼ã€‚ä¸»å®°ç”šè‡³æœ‰å¾ˆå¤šè·Ÿä»–å€‘ä¸€æ¨£çš„é™�制。然後,他們把主宰定義為全能的,那便å�¯ä»¥å°�他們自己全能的夢想,拉近一æ¥ã€‚
The world of the scripture is not without its hazards, though. It is filled with demons, witches and evil spirits. The fundamentalists feel that they are in direct contact with these magical beings, possibly even under attack by them. These evil creatures are more real to them than, say, the existence of an old dinosaur fossil is to us. But the Boss will protect them.
è�–經的世界裡ä¸�是沒有å�±éšªçš„,裡é�¢å……滿惡é”ã€�女巫å�Šé‚ªé�ˆã€‚基è¦�派信徒感到他們æ£èˆ‡é€™äº›é”體直接接觸,甚至æ£å�—ç‰ å€‘æ”»æ“Šã€‚é‚£äº›é”體,比起例如æ��é¾�化石的å˜åœ¨ï¼Œå°�他們來說更為真實。但是ä¸�怕,主宰會ä¿�è·ä»–們的。
Because it often contradicts scripture, secular knowledge is rejected as unreliable and even false. Therefore, anything or anybody who denies the literal truth of the scripture is working for the devil. In fundamentalism there is a three-track road to knowledge: (1) faith (2) the scripture and (3) direct communication with the Boss. Fundamentalists do not have opinions, rather they have revelations. Anything which conflicts with the revelation, since it did not come from the Boss must, therefore, have come from Satan.
é�žå®—教的知è˜å¸¸å¸¸èˆ‡è�–經有矛盾,所以信徒會拒絕接å�—ã€�èª�為是ä¸�å�¯é� ã€�甚至是錯的。所以,拒絕è�–經å—é�¢ç„¡èª¤çš„任何人或事物,都是æ£åœ¨ç‚ºé”鬼工作的。在基è¦�æ´¾ä¸ï¼Œæœ‰ä¸€æ¢�三線é�“è·¯ç�²å¾—知è˜ï¼š(1) 信心;(2) è�–經;(3) 與主宰直接æº�通。基è¦�派信徒沒有個人æ„�見,å�ªæœ‰å•Ÿç¤ºã€‚任何事物如與啟示有è¡�çª�,由於那都ä¸�æ˜¯å¾žä¸»å®°è€Œä¾†çš„ï¼Œå› æ¤é‚£ä¸€å®šæ˜¯å¾žæ’’但而來。
Finally, even thinking about one's own values becomes blasphemy because thinking requires questioning of a personal revelation from the Boss. Reality has disappeared. The Boss protects the fundamentalist but, at the same time, the fundamentalist protects the Boss. Anything which threatens the Boss's universe must be destroyed.
最後,就算æ€�è€ƒä¸€ä¸‹è‡ªå·±çš„åƒ¹å€¼ï¼Œå·²ç®—æ˜¯è¤»ç€†äº†ä¸»å®°ï¼Œå› ç‚ºæ€�考需è¦�質疑個人由主宰的啟示。在這個時候,真實已消失了。主宰ä¿�è·ä¿¡å¾’,å�Œæ™‚信徒亦ä¿�è·ä¸»å®°ã€‚所有能å¨�脅到主宰世界的所有事物都è¦�被消滅。
When the believer has reached this level, logic is Satanic because it is not based on scripture and knowledge is evil because it leads to questioning. Now, everyone must think and act as the fundamentalist does because that's the way the Boss wants it to be. Now you understand why these people can kill in the name of the Boss.
當信徒到é�”這個階段時,會èª�為é‚�è¼¯æ˜¯å±¬æ’’ä½†çš„ï¼Œå› ç‚ºé‚£ä¸�是由è�–經而來;知è˜æ˜¯é‚ªæƒ¡çš„ï¼Œå› ç‚ºæœƒå°Žè‡´è³ªç–‘ã€‚é€™æ™‚ï¼Œæ‰€æœ‰äººä¸€å®šè¦�與基è¦�派信徒的æ€�æƒ³èˆ‡è¡Œç‚ºä¸€æ¨£ï¼Œå› ç‚ºé‚£æ˜¯ä¸»å®°æ‰€å¸Œæœ›çš„ã€‚ç�¾åœ¨ä½ 明白為甚麼那些人會以神之å��殺人了。
ä¸æ–‡è¯æœ¬æ–¼2004/8/16 完æˆ�,並原載於離教者之家(http://exchristian.hk),æ¡è¿Žè½‰è¼‰ï¼Œå”¯è«‹è¨»æ˜Žå‡ºè™•å’Œä¿�留全文,å�Šå�ªèƒ½ä½œé�žç‰Ÿåˆ©ç”¨é€”。