STOMPer John is upset to find posts in a social
networking website, apparently created by foreign students in Singapore,
cursing the government for their high school fees.
Said the
"I came across a profile on a social networking website
recently and I saw these posts by foreigners who seemed unhappy about
the high school fees that they are paying.
"They even said that
the Singapore government is a joke.
"I wonder what foreigners are
thinking nowadays.
"If they are unhappy with Singapore, why did
they come here in the first place?
"And the worst part is that
they blame the government for everything."
Can someone go and beat up these foreign dogs
Yes sergeant!
ungrateful bastards...this is what happens when we open our doors...bunch of fucktards..come here snatch this snatch that from the natives and still wanna kpkb
This fucking PAP, want to flood us with these fucking aliens.
The populace of Singapore has the sixth highest percentage of foreigners in the world.
42% of the population in Singapore are foreignersand foreigners make up 50% of the service sector.[14] [15]
The country is also the second most densely populated in the world after Monaco.[16]A.T.
Kearney names Singapore as the most globalised country in the world in its Globalization Index.[17][18]
Fucking PAP .
singapore is the only place where u (foreigner dogs) come here, say the country is fuck up, think natives owe u a fucking living and still get away unscath...if u think ur country is any better, then why come here?
Originally posted by _Da_Dood_:singapore is the only place where u (foreigner dogs) come here, say the country is fuck up, think natives owe u a fucking living and still get away unscath...if u think ur country is any better, then why come here?
It's all due to the fucking shit policies of PAP.
Just look at our fucking state media, keep on insult, criticise Singaporeans, praise aliens.
Aliens see the fucking state media mentality turned to shit!
This fucking PAP, totally take Singaporeans for granted.
They must be voted out before Singapore is destroyed.
PRC NTU students on govt scholarship applying for job positions in China instead of Singapore
PRC technician not keen to take up Singapore PR and plans to return to China
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those pxp dogs! u dun bite your own owners dat feed you!
u cant vote someone out when that someone says they own spore and everything in it.
all figures can n will be u goin to vote someone out like this?
NS for Sporns, JOBS for FTs !
i know of local tertiary program where govt give scholarship to PRC but not to singaporean. sporeans are a few 10,000 dollars poorer, while PRC are sponsored the full amount.
talk about double standard.
why are we not helping our local ppl ? why is govt treating foreigner better ?
spore is being sold out to foreigners. as simple as that
Local guys aint worth S***T.
Good what, they thought bringing people in to replace us, the others will vote for them etc. I think once this become Sporean (which is not likely anyway), they will still vote them out. LOL
Its time for WAR!!!!!!
a lot of singaporeans dislike the govt too but they yet they stay.
Seriously, We really need someone to start a international riot. Like Thailand.
Originally posted by small-man:Seriously, We really need someone to start a international riot. Like Thailand.
wait out of control like thailand.
Yes, Yes. No to Foreign Dogs. Especially those Sudanese dogs. I hate them. They send those chain smoking dogs from Sudan to open up their government offices here. Those of the govt dogs who kill innocent children from Darfur.
I still want certain foreigners in. I like Japanese, Taiwanese and women from Shanghai. Heh heh. So as long as nobody from Middle East. With exception of Lebanese Babes.