Originally posted by charlize:Lionnoisy sounds like he is living the good life in aussie land and now trying to dissuade singaporeans from migrating there.
Nah. I think he is living the good life in Singapore ....and trying to be another Wee Shu Min here while pretending to be idiotic. Stir the crowd for fun from his 15 bedroom mansion and a fleet of luxury cars in Singapore .....must be really fun for LN. :)
lionnoisy, I suggest you start a new forum on criticism of Australia.
Originally posted by charlize:ok ok.can we get bavckLionnoisy sounds like he is living the good life in aussie land and now trying to dissuade singaporeans from migrating there.
lk ok.can we get back to the thread.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:lk ok.can we get back to the thread.
Got white thread....got black thread...which thread?
laksa or mutton curry
Originally posted by tERMINATOR20000000:laksa or mutton curry
Laksa is better for me.
this idiot chui kong lampar song only..
Originally posted by fymk:
Got white thread....got black thread...which thread?
why not red thread?
if i were you i will be careful of red thread:
Red Thread Disease
Red thread occurs in the spring and fall during humid periods when the air temperatures are between 16°C and 24°C (60°F and 75°F). The disease is especially severe on slow-growing nitrogen-deficient turf. Bluegrasses (Poa sp.), fescues (Festuca sp.), ryegrasses (Lolium sp.), and bentgrasses (Agrostis sp.) can be affected. Fine-leaved fescues and some ryegrasses are particularly susceptible.
The first noticeable symptoms are water-soaked patches of grass in the spring. Infected grass blades soon die and fade to a bleach-tan color when dry. When infected leaf blades, they are often interspersed with healthy unaffected leaf blades giving the grass a ragged appearance (Fig. 1). In severe cases, most leaf blades may be killed and diseased grass looks scorched or yellowed in irregularly-shaped or circular patches from 5 to 50 cm in diameter. The patches may be widely scattered or, if close together, may coalesce into larger spots.
In humid weather, the fungus Laetisaria fuciformis grows visibly on the infected grass blades and leaf sheaths. The fungus produces thread-like strands or web-like areas of coral-pink to blood-red hyphae on the tips of brown grass blades (Fig. 2). The strands can protrude up to 2 cm upward from the blade tips and are easily seen, hence the name "red thread disease".
Disease Cycle
Laetisaria fuciformis may produce spores for dispersal, however, the primary means of disperal is the spread of infected tissue and bits of the "red thread" (sclerotia)to healthy areas of grass. This type of spread depends upon mowing, foot traffic, and other activities which occur on the diseased turf. Invasion by the fungus is quick, and leaves may begin to die 2 days after becoming infected. Fungal hyphae and dried pieces of the fragmented "red thread" enable the fungus to survive when conditions are not favorable for disease development (winter, mid-summer, etc.). During dry conditions, the "threads" may be viable for up to 2 years.
Management Strategies
Maintain adequate soil fertility. The actual fertilization rates will depend upon the types of grass(es) grown, soil texture, and the specific rates recommended in your area. Where red thread has been a problem in the past, maintain a soil pH of 6.5 to 7.0.
Avoid overwatering. Do not water the lawn in the late afternoon or evening. Provide good soil drainage. Plant trees and shrubs far enough apart so that large areas of grass do not remain shaded for long periods during the day and so that dew and other moisture on the grass will readily evaporate. Selective pruning of established trees and shrubs may also help.
Do not allow thatch levels to accumulate. Use resistant varieties of Kentucky bluegrass (Ascot, Classic, Dawn, Eclipse, Princeton, Trenton), perennial ryegrass (Lowgrow, Lynx, Navajo, Passport, Precision, Rivierra II, Shining Star, Target), and fine fescue (Biljart, Bighorn, Reliant, SR 3000, Waldina).
Where disease is severe, fungicide applications may be necessary. Although Red Thread is not often a problem on lawns, if it does become troublesome, homeowners in New York State may apply a registered fungicide to manage this disease. In spring or fall, apply Bonide Fung-onil MPF Conc. (chlorothalonil), Spectracide Immunox MPF (myclobutanil), Bayer Advanced Fungus Control for Lawns RTU Granules (triadimefon), or Heritage (azoxystrobin), or apply a registered fungicide containing the active ingredient propiconazole according to label directions.
Additional products may be available for use in commercial plant production. Commercial applicators should refer to the appropriate pest management guidelines for more information.
lionnoisy say he can't follow the thread... maybe he got red thread disease
he must eat 3 bowls of laksa and call his doctor in the morning
they also say that fight night is quite nice, but you must have an xbox 360 in order to play it, to have an xbox 360 in singapore is to be globalized so it means that singapore is as homeless as oz, because globalized
anyway got what new movies coming up, did you see the homeless in singapore watch these movies? no because homeless people cannot watch movies, no money. so in singapore why we see no homeless people we see watching movies in GV? simple, because there are many homeless people in singapore.
Lionnoisy is my dear friend in sgforum.
Many said he is retarded, low IQ or no IQ, stupid and crazy, but by far, many so replied to his thread, concur and debate furiously in it, guess many are also retarded.
On behalf of Lionnoisy
so are you saying that singapore is full of retards? so it means that lionnoisy is wrong after all and that singapore is a retarded nation?
oh no!
on behalf of lionnoisy
Many said he is retarded, low IQ or no IQ, stupid and crazy, but by far, many so replied to his thread, concur and debate furiously in it, guess many are also retarded.
so you concur with these following lionnoisy ideas?
lionnoisy bad ideas,
they are pretty funny:
Crashing a 100K SGD FANTAIL UAV into targets:
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
Fantail ‘……can be scaled to accommodate alternative payloads and missions. ‘’
Can we arm it(1) with missiles or (2) to reduce the payload ,just attach explosives and Fantail just crash into the targets.?
I think it will be quite accurate fro it to hit GPMG site,APC,tanks etc
2.Ok lah.Just crash Extender to a enemy fighter.Few thousand $$ can save SG soldiers life.It worth every single dollar!!
And look at how he gets pwned:
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
Is there any similiar UAV with the size so small?I dunt think so!!
And the rebuttal:
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:
If you want to avoid the issue at the very least don't try to post meaningless posts... it just shows that you lack intellectual intergity, or basic comprehension skills.
The question is do you think it's a good idea for the SAF to crash such things into people and equipment, something that you have been pushing for since this whole sorry thread started, a thread that no doubt exposed you lack of understanding on most things even most basic book camp.
Is there any lionnoisy with the english skill that can finish this book? I dunt think so!!
As to answer your question on if there's any other UAV with the size so small:
All smaller then Fantail.... and made by many other countries.
So please tooting our horn about Fantail, you are disgracing our country with your lack of understanding of even our OWN equipment.
Following that post, lionnoisy quietly slipped out of the thread and left it entirely.
Unfortunately he learnt nothing from his experience only to start another thread that was just as disasterous:
Australia are buying helicopter landing ships to launch F-18Es, which anybody with some basic knowledge of military stuff will know that is a very stupid idea.
Amazingly, despite his ability to dig up all the "dirt" about Australia's military and comment as if he knows a lot about military stuff, this blatant fact is somewhat missed out on him:
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
1.Why nobody tell us that Oz already ordered 2 LHD--mini CV?
Forumers here too busy?
2.Why Oz dare not admit that procurement of Super Hornet
is mainly for mini CV?
Despite everyone in the forum telling him that LHDs are not for launching F-18s, he insisted and kept on trying, coming up with crazier ideas:
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
oh my God!!
Why no one can see in the first image that there is a ski-jumping board?This is not for R & R for the sailors to
play skate boards lah.
Enlarged for you:
ski--jumping board NOT for the sailors to play lah.
see again:
1.I must admit i have not get confirmation that the
ski--jumping board is for Super Hornet only.
But i can sure the board must be for CV aircraft.
Can JSF take off and land in this mini CV??
2.Then,can Super Hornets take off and land in this mini
The rebuttal:
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:
Everybody can see the ski ramp on board, but they are smart enough to know it's not for Superbug use.
Man you really are that ignorant are you not?
You enlarge also no use, you simply do not understand how things work at all.
Ski jump or not, there is no way for the Superbug, or most non STOL combat planes for that matter, to reach their takeoff speed in that short a distance on an LHD. The Ski jump is to enable a better AOA when you clear the ship, but it had no effect on your takeoff speed... if you are too slow you'll simply stall the moment you leave the Ski jump and crash into the sea. Unfortunately the LHD (or any ship for that matter) lacks the required length for the Superbug (or any non STOL for that matter) to reach a viable speed to take off, Ski jump or not.
What is required is a catapult, which of course this ship does not have.
And of course landing is another issue without an angled deck, it means that it cannot retrieve aircraft without having to do a full deck turnover because to do an aborted landing would mean having the plane smack straight into whatever's parked in the way on the deck. So much for tactical flexibility.
All this of course, is no surprise because the LHD was NEVER intended to launch non STOL aircraft.
LOL, lionnoisy's notion of launching Superbugs from LHDs is prehaps akin to us launching recon bikes from within our Bionixes... or having Abrams tanks airdropped from C-130s
Fixed wing aircraft that would operate from the LHD would be STOL/VTOL examples such as the Harrier, or the JSF, but NOT the Superbug.
What's next? lionnoisy is going to say the aussies are going to retrofit their superbugs to be VTOL aircraft?
Seriously lionnoisy, if we had people like you giving advice to our military, the SAF is totally doomed.
And a very funny reply about why lionnoisy just can't seem to get it right:
Originally posted by Gedaken:
Intellectually, about three and a half. In human years, your guess is as good as mine.
The DUH factor here is astounding. Australia's waiting for the JSF, and ski ramps a la HMS Invincible have long been established for STOL aircraft. Noisy Pussy's fucked it up once again - as if that's any surprise.
And finally with the weight of the forumers and evidence stacked up against him, lionnoisy finally submits and runs away, never even speaking about the topic again:
Originally posted by lionnoisy:
the third LHD for vertical take-off jet.No news for 1st and 2 nd LHD.ok?
Ok lionnoisy we get it, this is your way of saying that you are wrong, as Gedaken puts it:
Originally posted by Gedaken:
Not OK. You admit to having no information linking Superbugs to ski ramps but you carry on like a two-bob watch about this numbskulled idea. Then you turn around and demand news about the first two LHDs being for V/STOLs. I said it before, I'll say it again - HYPOCRITE.
Do you see the USMC building a ski ramp and launching their Bugs off the Tarawa?
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:Originally posted by storywolf:What he will do next ? The answer is below !!!
What do you do in this situation ?
... ?
Originally posted by pigsticker:
Jet skis for amphibious assaults
i bet that's his next idea
Originally posted by SingaporeTyrannosaur:so are you saying that singapore is full of retards? so it means that lionnoisy is wrong after all and that singapore is a retarded nation?
oh no!
on behalf of lionnoisy
only in this forum, he never said the whole of singapore.
IMH goes WiFi liao, no wonder so many retard post coming out
you fail to understand lionnoisy's history in here.
Maybe you should choose your "dear" friends carefully.
he has no intention to discuss or debate anything. his only intention is to make noise, so why shall he protest if others join him in it?
have you told your dear friend it's wrong to use cloned accounts in sgforums to misrepresent a position?
pictures speak a thousand words:
lionnoisy trying to clone:
lionnoisy talking to his own clone (talking to himself!)
lionnoisy's reaction after he got found out:
lionnoisy admits he has computer addiction:
btw, lionnoisy threads are supposed to be retarded, given they start with a ridiculus premise and intention in the first place. you will find your efforts to make sense of anything in here largely futile.
i have spent many topics debating with lionnoisy and have long realized by now that it is a fool's errand. plenty of times he has been defeated in debate and when faced with questions he cannot answer he simply pretends the topic never existed and starts on a new one, hopefully trying topic after topic until he can find one that helps his agenda of "singapore good". "australia bad".
he does no research on his posts, except to google and copy and paste anything that seems to support his position. worse he regards nothing with any basic sense of proportion or reason. military nuts is littered with plenty of his pointless threads which he abandoned after he found himself trapped and unable to answer.
and the best part is that he is not trapped after some long discussion but because he makes the most basic mistakes in his desire to believe anything pro-singapore. most amusing was one that he spends several posts trying to argue that singapore's underground ammunition storage is the equal of the USAF's NORAD facility when a basic check of the facts will simply reveal that there is no WAY this can be the case. his desire to want this to be true overrides all else.
you see the same desire in here, which is an attempt to paint australia as a hell on earth roughly equal to some third world nation where the average lifespan is 40 years and in which everybody dies a violent and painful death in poverty.
that's pretty amusing. and such a nonsensical agenda demands a clownish response.
how does one respond one is in a thread started by a person with no intellectual honesty or rigour, no intention except to repeatedly find any new way to push a particular agenda, as well as with a dishonestly so large that he is tempted to use any method to further his goals with is fortunately only hampered by his own incompetence in doing anything right?
you respond with nonsense and have some fun while you are at it.
so no, your attempts to try to call reason in any lionnoisy thread will be a waste of your time and effort. this will be your only reminder.
so now.
white thread, black thread or red thread?
why dun you be kind enuf to help those who are less fortunate in their brain cells, let them release their souls and posts so as to express their feeling and thinking.
Can't you just do it for charity, i yet to ask you for sponsorship.
Not going to happen.
Consider the alternative. If no response is put up to lionnoisy, if he is not parodied or ridiculued for holding his irrational positions and his shameless actions, it will indeed be to the great shame of our nation.
This is a person who holds great pleasure in other people's misfortune. He posts articles on crime, poverty or homelessness not to raise awareness or to improve the situtation, but simply to suit his agenda to smear mud on some other nation he chose simply because Singaporeans consider it the prime location to migrate to.
What did Australia or Australians do to earn his ire? Nothing. They happen to be his target for scorn and riducule simply because he feels threatened that his perfect image of Singapore is being spoiled by Singaporeans who want to migrate there. Blaming another party instead of reflecting on our own problems is the exact same kind of thinking that allowed Nazi Germany to look upon the Jews as the cause of all their problems.
Is lionnoisy doing anything to solve the issues in Singapore by his bashing of Australia? Nope. The issues that we have still go on and affect us and people will still migrate.
If his kind of behavior is condoned, what does this reflect on Singaporeans? If there is an Australian RooNoisy who does the same thing to Singapore, we indeed expect his fellow Australians to put him in his place.
Charity for this kind of person?
If a person in here starts spouting our irrational rubbish about other races, I am sure anyone would be quick to respond in kind.
Imagine if someone keeps posting copy-and-paste articles on how race X fares less in intelligence tests or crimes commited by race X over and over again as well as warning us to be careful of them and to stay away?
Would we not see such behaviour as disgusting and ought to be put to a stop to?
This is what lionnoisy is doing. Not on a racial level but on a national level. He attempts to spit on the heritage and culture of another nation not because that nation has done anything to him, but because of envy and personal insecurities. He is happy if people in that nation falter or fail, and can't wait to see it happen just like a White Supremist reacts with joy everytime some crime happens that is commited by a person of another race.
So yes you are right, nobody should take lionnoisy seriously, but nobody should give him charity either.
Screw Australia! Who gives a shit on what happens there anyway? They have their problems and we have ours.
It doesnt matter if others have millions homeless, but if we even have 1 homeless is one too many.
I strongly urge those who see the homeless and care enough, to call NEA or any of the town councils to help these people. We are not a poor nation and as a society, we MUST help wherever we can within our limits. The homeless are our people too, unless they truly enjoy sleeping under the stars temporary, as some folks working overtime that I know of do.