Good. I also know your type. You should have shut up long ago when you know zero about animal release.
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:that article is not posted by me, use your eyes to read. You are the only one who is biased against animal release and adamant about it without any single true knowledge.
Have you ever released any animal before ? Have you joined in any buddhist ceremony before ? if not , shut your gap and use your eyes to read instead.
so you know better just because you have the experience of releasing animals?
so everyone who has been to a karaoke knows how to sing?
so the fact you have joined a buddhist ceremony makes you better?
do you always turn aggressive when people disagree with you?
dragg if you are flaming this topic, get lost ! I have not being aggressive but your ignorance is testing my patience.
5. The Ecological Reason
Planet Earth is suffereing. In large measure, the escalating loss of species, destruction of ancient rainforests to create pasture lands for live stock, loss of topsoils and the consequent increase of water impurities and air pollution have all been traced to the single fact of meat in the human diet. No decision that we can make as individuals or as a race can have such a dramatic effect on the improvement of our planetary ecology as the decision not to eat meat.
dragg and that lying fellow up there, there is also great Ecological Reason for releasing animals back into the Wild. So stop thinking only your Nature Society's propaganda is the right one.
On what grounds do you accuse others of lying? By failure to provide photographic evidence? I don't think anyone is as bored as some as to actively go to these places that I've already mention just to take photos of anglers fishing. On that count, YOU have also failed to provide any photographic evidence other than claiming ONE case of "personal experience", making you the liar.
I also fail to see the how the article is arguing FOR animal release. Just because some species are dwindling in numbers due to human impact, how does it help when you release totally different species, some of which may further impact or even lead to the extinction of the endangered ones to begin with? Your argument here is baffling.
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:that article is not posted by me, use your eyes to read. You are the only one who is biased against animal release and adamant about it without any single true knowledge.
Have you ever released any animal before ? Have you joined in any buddhist ceremony before ? if not , shut your gap and use your eyes to read instead.
Very good advice indeed. If only you'd heed your own advice and READ what others have provided. One of the articles provided even quoted Ms Angie Monksfield, President of Buddhist Fellowship (reborn76's post) that echoes the message we are trying to put across. The Nature Society is not Government affliated and its message is also echoed by the National Parks board. You say propaganda I say education. (quoting Mr Henry Baey, President of the Buddhist Fellowship)
It seems that at this point, you are incapable of being engaged in an intelligent discussion so I shall ignore further rants and insults. I am so glad zealots like you are not involved in any form of policy-making so far.
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:dragg if you are flaming this topic, get lost ! I have not being aggressive but your ignorance is testing my patience.
you are really one amazing character.
you are accusing me when you are all the above.
frankly, let the others by the judge.
you are really living in denial.
lets stop this discussion. i am sick of talking to someone like you.
both of you are just posting articles from websites and have absolutely no idea what is animal release , yet both of you have the cheeks to give untrue facts about people waiting in Singapore to catch the fish release, people are releasing goldfish in sea and rabbit in forests. All sorts of non-sense.
I have at least photos of the kelong release which i have post here and my personal experiences to share here. What do both of you have? lies and assumption of how people release animals. Also ignorance of what is pets discarded by owners and the real buddhist ceremony.
Finally dragg, i know you are not a Singaporean, so stop flaming a topic here when you know nothing about Singapore ( make my toes laugh when you have to apologise for assuming temples sell animals for release and accusing temples of doing so )
Last but not least, i am glad none of you are actually Singaporeans when you both are just opening your mouth to insult others without any wisdom to share here. At least have the decency to shut your mouth on a topic both of you have no experiences in and still have the stupidity to laugh at others for being kind.
五月八日的放生奇迹(转帖) (2009-07-09 13:11:17)转载 æ ‡ç¾ï¼š 放生 甲鱼 皈ä¾� 回æ�¥ 绕生三圈 西安 æ�‚è°ˆ 分类: 放生感应
五月八日的西安,阴雨连绵。远在一百三å��公里的法门寺,æ¤æ—¶æ£åœ¨è¿›è¡Œä½›æŒ‡èˆ�利安奉大典。伟大的佛陀啊,感谢您将平ç‰ä¸Žæ…ˆçˆ±å¸¦ç»™äººé—´ï¼Œå°†æ— 上的大智慧,带给人间。
æ¤æ—¶ï¼Œæˆ‘æ£ä¸Žå¦»å�å’Œå©å�在西安水产市场买生。我们愿以æ¤å¾®å°�çš„åŠŸå¾·ï¼Œç¥ˆè¯·ä½›é™€åŠ æŒ�,以å�šå›ºæˆ‘们å¦ä¹ 这伟大佛å¦çš„决心。
尽管是雨天,ç‚市街水产市场,还是人潮如水,å�„家生æ„�兴隆。看ç�€è¿™ä¸€ç®±ä¸€ç®±çš„å�„类水æ—�,或在笼框之ä¸ç‰å¾…被人挑选,或已打包好欲被è¿�转,ç‰å¾…å®°æ�€ï¼Œæˆ–æ£è¢«å®°æ�€ï¼Œæˆ‘的心痛如刀割。如我一般的兄弟å§�å¦¹å•Šï¼Œä¸€æ ·çš„æœ‰ç�€çœ¼è€³é¼»èˆŒèº«æ„�,有ç�€ç”Ÿè‰²é¦™å‘³è§¦æ³•ï¼Œå�´æ²¡æœ‰ä¸€æ ·çš„地ä½�。以我微å°�的力é‡�,我å�ˆå¦‚ä½•èƒ½å¸®çš„äº†ä½ ä»¬ï¼Ÿå�ªæœ‰è’™ä½›å¨�力了。
在ä¸�æ–çš„ä½›å�·å£°ä¸ï¼Œæˆ‘已将市场转了个é��。在一家档å�£çš„水箱里,看到å…ä½�野生大甲鱼,è€�æ�¿äººä¸�错,å�¬è¯´æˆ‘è¦�å°†ä»–ä»¬æ”¾ç”Ÿï¼Œä¾¿ç»™äº†å¾ˆå¤§çš„ä¼˜æƒ ã€‚ç²¾å¿ƒæ‰“åŒ…å¥½å�Žï¼Œä¾¿å¾€å›žèµ°ã€‚快走到大门å�£æ—¶ï¼Œçª�然裤å�å�£è¢‹æœ‰ä¸œè¥¿åœ¨åŠ¨ï¼Œæˆ‘往下一看:ä¸�好,有å°�å�·ï¼�å�Œæ‰‹ä¸€è§¦ï¼Œè¿˜å¥½ï¼Œä¸œè¥¿éƒ½åœ¨ã€‚在我转身之时,三人已迅速离开。这时一个好心人跟我说,下次ä¸�è¦�穿这么宽的裤å�,他们已ç»�è·Ÿä½ å¥½ä¹…äº†ï¼Œä½†å°±æ˜¯æ²¡å�·åˆ°ã€‚我心ä¸å·²åœ¨é»˜é»˜çš„感谢佛è�©è�¨çš„护æŒ�。
在雨ä¸ï¼Œåœ¨ä½›å�·å£°ä¸ï¼Œæˆ‘们æ�¥åˆ°æµ�æ²³ç�žæ²³ç”Ÿæ€�区一处最寂é�™çš„放生地。在è·�ç¦»æ”¾ç”Ÿåœ°å‡ ç™¾ç±³çš„æ—¶å€™ï¼Œä¸�知从哪里飞æ�¥ä¸€å�ªå¤§é¸Ÿï¼Œåœ¨ç¦»æˆ‘ä»¬å¤´é¡¶å‡ ç±³é«˜ï¼Œè¾¹å�«è¾¹ç›˜æ—‹ï¼Œç›´åˆ°ç›®çš„地,它便在ä¸�远处è�½äº†ä¸‹æ�¥ï¼Œé�™é�™çš„待在哪里。
雨越下越大,我们开始给甲鱼å�šçšˆä¾�仪轨。在庄严的佛å�·å£°ä¸ï¼Œç”²é±¼æœ‰çš„伸出长长的脖å�好奇的观望,有的一动ä¸�动é�™é�™åœ°å¾…ç�€ã€‚有一å�ªå¤§ç”²é±¼ä¸�知怎么竟从袋å�里跑了出æ�¥ï¼Œåœ¨é›¨ä¸è¶Šè·‘越远。这时,我真诚的对他讲:“快回æ�¥ï¼Œçšˆä¾�还没å�šå®Œï¼Œå¿«å›žæ�¥ï¼Œå¿«å›žæ�¥ã€‚”奇迹真的å�‘生了:他å�¬åˆ°æˆ‘çš„è¯�å�Žï¼Œå�œäº†ä¸‹æ�¥ï¼Œæ‰è¿‡å¤´ï¼Œçœ‹äº†çœ‹æˆ‘,便转回身å�,一æ¥ä¸€æ¥å�‘我走æ�¥ã€‚走到我的脚边,便å�œä¸‹æ�¥ï¼ŒæŒ¨ç�€æˆ‘的脚,一动ä¸�动的å�¬æˆ‘们诵ç»�。过了一大会,他å�ˆèµ°åˆ°æˆ‘爱人的脚下。å©å�们对他有点怕,所以他就ä¸�到å©å�们那里去。我è¦�绕生念佛å�·ï¼Œå�ˆå¯¹ä»–说:“æ�¥ï¼Œæˆ‘们一起绕”,更大的奇迹出现了,他竟éš�我绕生三圈。天啊,我们所有人都震惊了ï¼�阿弥陀佛 ï¼�阿弥陀佛 ï¼�阿弥陀佛ï¼�众生皆有佛性,众生皆å�¯æˆ�ä½›ï¼�ä½›è�©è�¨åŠ æŒ�ä¸�å�¯é™�é‡�,众生心力ä¸�å�¯é™�é‡�。
在风ä¸ï¼Œåœ¨é›¨ä¸ï¼Œåœ¨ä½›å�·å£°ä¸ï¼Œæˆ‘们真心祈愿:世界和平 ã€�人民安ä¹� ã€�ç�¾éšœæ¶ˆé™¤ã€� 祸患ä¸�生 ã€�æ£æ³•ä¹…ä½� ã€�法轮常转 ã€�法界有情ã€� å�Œç”Ÿæž�ä¹�。
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:5. The Ecological Reason
Planet Earth is suffereing. In large measure, the escalating loss of species, destruction of ancient rainforests to create pasture lands for live stock, loss of topsoils and the consequent increase of water impurities and air pollution have all been traced to the single fact of meat in the human diet. No decision that we can make as individuals or as a race can have such a dramatic effect on the improvement of our planetary ecology as the decision not to eat meat.
dragg and that lying fellow up there, there is also great Ecological Reason for releasing animals back into the Wild. So stop thinking only your Nature Society's propaganda is the right one.
What has not eating meat got to do with the potentially harmful effects of wanton release of foreign animals?
2009年06月29日 星期一 20:48
昔日挚å�‹ï¼Œæˆ’妄居士,知宜真病é‡�,鼓励å�‚与放生。八å��ä¹�年二月,首次å�‚åŠ ï¼Œæ¸…æ™¨å››æ—¶è®¸ï¼Œæ�乘游览车,抵达基隆,大雨滂沱,寒风ç 骨,但è§�著物命,å�¬é—»åœ£å�·ï¼Œæ”¾å…¥æµ·ä¸ï¼Œé›€è·ƒå¥”è…¾ï¼Œæ¬£å–œä¸‡åˆ†çš„æ¨¡æ ·ï¼Œç›´è§‰æ”¾ç”Ÿä¹ƒä¸€å¿µä¸€è§‚éŸ³ï¼Œä¸€æ”¾ä¸€æ™®è´¤ä¹‹æ®Šèƒœè¡Œé—¨ã€‚è¿žç»ä¸¤æ¬¡ï¼Œè™½æ— ç«‹ç«¿è§�影之效,且四月份å�Žï¼Œç—…情日趋严é‡�ï¼Œæ— æ³•äº²ä¸´çŽ°åœºï¼Œä½†å¾€ç”Ÿå‰�二个月,ä»�委托妹妹芳裕代为划拨,也希望å©å�在她往生å�Žï¼Œçšˆä¾�ä¸Šåœ†ä¸‹å› è€�法师,宜真对放生的信愿,å�¯è§�一般。
转至澄清医院å�Žï¼Œéš�著癌细胞蔓延,白血ç�ƒè¿‡ä½Žï¼Œå�ªèƒ½ä½œç—‡çŠ¶æ²»ç–—å�Šç–¼ç—›æŽ§åˆ¶ï¼Œé™†ç»è¿›å‡ºåŒ»é™¢äºŒï½žä¸‰æ¬¡ã€‚最å�Žæ¢ç—›é’ˆå·²æ— 作用,改用å�£æœ�å�—å•¡æ¢ç—›ï¼Œä½†ä»�时有失控。病å�‘时,痛到在床上大å�¼å¤§å�«ï¼ŒæŠ“著床摇,一会儿è¦�çƒæ•·ã€�一会儿è¦�冷敷,宜真痛ä¸�æ¬²ç”Ÿï¼Œå®¶äººå‡ è¿‘å´©æºƒã€‚éƒ‘è€�师æ�¥è®¿ï¼Œå‘Šè¯‰èŠ³è£•ï¼š‘医è�¯æ²»ä¸�了她,祈请佛è�©è�¨åŠ 被,念佛求往生。’
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è§�è�¯çŸ³ç½”效,手足情深,心ç�µäº¤æ„Ÿï¼ŒçŸ¥å§�æ�¥æ—¥æ— 多,芳裕于观音圣åƒ�å‰�,焚香默祷:‘若念佛能救å§�å§�,请è�©è�¨åŠ æŒ�,与我上楼。’手执引罄,é—目,端å��,å†�å†�æ�³æ±‚冤亲债主,饶过宜真,一å�Œå¿µä½›ï¼Œå¾€ç”Ÿè¥¿æ–¹ã€‚å°”æ—¶ï¼Œå¿ƒæ— æ�‚念,佛å�·å‡ºäºŽå�£ï¼Œå…¥ä¹Žè€³ï¼Œæ³¨äºŽå¿ƒï¼Œæ¸�æ¸�的,一切è¯é»˜åŠ¨é�™ï¼Œçš†æ˜¯æ¢µéŸ³ç¼ç»•ã€‚çª�然ï¼�弥陀现身,连转三相,并嘱三件è¦�事,惊喜之余,频频弯腰作æ�–。è�©è�¨é—»å£°æ•‘苦,佛力ä¸�å�¯æ€�议啊ï¼�宜真已å��三å°�时未注射å�—啡。待è‹�醒,赶紧告知:‘阿弥陀佛æ�¥äº†ï¼Œä»–æ£çœ‹ä½ 怎么å�šã€‚’å¾€å�ŽäºŒäººå¿µä½›ï¼Œæ›´åŠ å�šæ¯…。
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宜真与妹婿å�´æ˜Žèµ�居士,情å�Œå§�弟,ä½�院时,曾å…�诺:‘å¦‚æžœå¾€ç”Ÿï¼Œä¼šè®©ä½ çŸ¥é�“。’果真于助念时,è§�西方三圣,相好光明,金光ç�¿çƒ‚,å�Šæ¸…净大海众è�©è�¨ï¼Œå‰�æ�¥æŽ¥å¼•ï¼Œå®œçœŸè‘—白衣长跪,欲接弥陀手ä¸ç™½èŽ²ã€‚内心虽喜,亦ä¸�èˆ�,æ¥å‡ºæˆ¿é—¨ï¼Œå¿�ä¸�ä½�啜泣。宜真交待:‘替我转达家人,谢谢莲å�‹åŠ©å¿µï¼Œå¹¶ä»£ä¸ºç…§é¡¾ä¸‰ä¸ªå°�å©ã€‚’明èµ�点头应å…�。
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æ˜”èŽ²æ± å¤§å¸ˆï¼Œä¸“äº‹å¿µä½›ã€�放生,横超三界。普åŠ�世人,éš�所è§�闻,以放生行门,助修é�“ä¸šï¼Œå¦‚é¡ºæ°´å¼ å¸†ï¼Œå¿…é€Ÿè‡³æ¶…æ§ƒå½¼å²¸ã€‚
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大约在三å��å‡ å¹´å‰�,å�‘生在æ¦ç•Œé™„近的深山里:当时山洪很大,山内有山崩的现象,我们一群人大约有å…ã€�七个人,被困在山崖边。å�Žé�¢å·²å±±å´©ï¼Œå‰�é�¢æ˜¯æ·±å´–,崖下有溪水æ¹�æµ�,我们这群人æ‰�想说出å�£ï¼š‘è¿›é€€æ— è·¯’时,我看è§�å‰�方约二公尺处的山崖边,有二ç›�类似煤油ç�¯ä¸€èˆ¬çš„光,亮一下å�ˆç†„一下ã€�亮一下å�ˆç†„一下。我å�‘å�Œä¼´è¯´ï¼š‘å‰�é�¢æœ‰äºŒç›�ç�¯å…‰ï¼Œå�¯èƒ½æœ‰ä½�家。’å�³å�‘å�‘光处走去,原æ�¥é‚£äºŒç›�ç�¯å…‰æ˜¯ä¸€å�ªå¤§é¾Ÿçš„å�Œçœ¼ï¼Œæˆ‘们问乌龟è¦�带我们去那里?它就带路一直往上游走去,原æ�¥æœ‰è·¯å�¯é€šåˆ°å±±å´–下é�¢ï¼Œèµ°åˆ°æœ€ä¸‹é�¢æœ‰ä¸€æ�¡å±±åœ°å�Œèƒžèµ°çš„路。走到上游,有一é�“木æ�¿æ¡¥ï¼Œåˆ°äº†æ¡¥è¾¹ï¼Œä¹Œé¾Ÿå°±å¤§å�«ä¸‰å£°ï¼Œæˆ‘们整群人就跟它走过桥。
沿路走著,å�‘觉有山崩的现象,并且在路上å�‘现有一å�ªå¤§ä¹Œé¾Ÿçº¦æ±½è½¦å¼•æ“Žç›–的四分之三那么大,头部宽约å��二公分,长约廿五公分,它被巨大的è�½çŸ³åŽ‹ä½�,爬ä¸�出æ�¥ï¼Œå�´ä»�奋力挣扎,那è�½çŸ³ä¸‰ä¸ªäººä¹ŸæŠ¬ä¸�动。当时有人说:‘山上的è�½çŸ³ä¸€ç›´æ»‘下æ�¥ï¼Œé€ƒå‘½è¦�紧,ä¸�è¦�管它了。’我说:‘ä¸�è¡Œï¼�为善事è¦�紧,那有è§�æ»ä¸�æ•‘çš„ï¼�ä½ çœ‹ï¼Œå®ƒå��舌头,眼ç�›æœ‰æ³ªæ°´ï¼Œå“€å“€å�¯æ€œï¼Œå¤´å�ˆä¸€ç›´ç‚¹ï¼›ç»�对è¦�æ•‘ï¼�’å�Žæ�¥ï¼Œæˆ‘ä¸Žå¼ æœ¨å�Šéƒé‡‘泉的父亲å�ˆåŠ›æ•‘å®ƒã€‚å…ˆé”¯æ ‘æž�,å†�ç”¨æ ‘æž�把è�½çŸ³ç§»å¼€ï¼Œè€Œå�Žæˆ‘们用开山刀在龟壳上刻下三个人的姓å�Šæœ«å�Žä¸€ä¸ªå�•å��,共七个å—。而现å‰�è¿™å�ªï¼Œä¸�知是å�¦æ˜¯å½“年所救的那å�ªï¼Ÿæˆ‘们å…ã€�七ä½�就用打ç�«æœºç…§é¾Ÿå£³ï¼Œç»“æžœæ£å¥½æœ‰ä»¥å‰�刻的那七个å—。ç»�过å��多年,这å�ªé¾Ÿå�ˆé•¿å¤§äº†å��å‡ å…¬åˆ†ï¼Œå¹¶ä¸”å�¯èƒ½æœ‰å¾—é�“,å�¦åˆ™ï¼Œæ€Žä¼šäº‹éš”å��多年å�Žçš„今天,å�Šæ—¶ç‰¹æ�¥å¸¦è·¯æ•‘我们脱离险境ï¼�我们一整群人就地å�Œè„šè·ªä¸‹ï¼Œå�‘大乌龟顶礼拜致谢。
more real miracle stories from releasing animals here....һЦһ%B3%BEԵo/blog/item/6315802bbf9f1892033bf68a.html
天天放生放出奇迹 (转帖) (2009-07-07 19:26:59)转载 æ ‡ç¾ï¼š 放生 奇迹 高考 本一 ä½›è�©è�¨ 分类: 放生感应
今天是七月å��五,我实在是å¿�ä¸�ä½�æ¿€åŠ¨çš„å¿ƒæƒ…å†™è¿™ç¯‡æ–‡ç« çš„ã€‚ä¸€ä½�å�Œä¿®å�šæŒ�å¤©å¤©æ”¾ç”Ÿï¼ŒçœŸçš„åˆ›é€ äº†å¤§å¥‡è¿¹!!!放生功德说,常常放生,å�å™æ˜Œæ˜Žå®˜ç¦„盛,是真实ä¸�虚的。
å�Œä¿®çš„å©å�,2008å¹´å�‚åŠ é«˜è€ƒï¼Œä»Ž2008å¹´4月开始,å�Œä¿®å°±å�šæŒ�æ¯�天放生,æ¯�天放一æ�¡é±¼ï¼Œæˆ–一袋田螺。逢åˆ�一å��五,或佛è�©è�¨è¯žæ—¥ï¼Œè¿˜å’Œå�Œä¿®ä¸€èµ·å¤§æ”¾ç”Ÿã€‚
å�Œä¿®æ‰“电è¯�给我:放生,真是放到ç»�望了!!!å�šæŒ�了3个月,居然是这个结果!!!但是,å�Œä¿®å¹¶ä¸�怨观音è�©è�¨æ²¡æœ‰æ…ˆæ‚²åŠ æŒ�,在心里,也深深å¿�悔:唉ï¼�ç¦�报ä¸�够啊,业障深é‡�å•Š!!!è¿�缘现å‰�。
从一开始,我也一直将修行的功德回å�‘ç»™å�Œä¿®çš„å©å�,ä¸�知é�“为什么,我心里一直认为å�Œä¿®è¿™æ ·å�šæŒ�æ¯�天放生,佛è�©è�¨ä¸€å®šä¼šå¤§åŠ æŒ�çš„!!!
å©å�è¢«åŒ—äº¬çš„ä¸€æ‰€é«˜æ ¡å½•å�–,原æ�¥æ˜¯æœ¬äºŒçš„高考æˆ�绩,居然被录å�–åˆ°æœ¬ä¸€çš„é«˜æ ¡ï¼Œå…¨çœ�å�ªæ‹›ä¸€å��ï¼Œè¿™æ ·çš„å¤§å¥½äº‹ï¼Œå±…ç„¶é™�临到å�Œä¿®çš„å©å�头上!!!
å©å�5年大å¦çš„å¦è´¹å…¨å…�,å�ƒä½�å…¨å…�,这是一所真æ£åŸ¹å…»å›½å®¶äººæ‰�çš„é«˜æ ¡ï¼Œä¸�是什么ç§�ç«‹å¦æ ¡!!!
放生4个月,花费近2000å…ƒï¼Œå¦‚æžœåŠ ä¸Šè¿™5å¹´æ�¥æ”¾ç”Ÿçš„费用,差ä¸�多有近1万元å�§ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯æ”¾ç”Ÿ1万元,æ�¢æ�¥çœ�10万元的好果报ï¼�
å�„ä½�å�Œä¿®ï¼Œä½ 们能å�šåˆ°æ¯�天放生å�—???
当然,放生,ä¸�仅仅是为了自己的家åºçš„幸ç¦�,真æ£çš„放生,是å�‘大è�©æ��å¿ƒï¼Œä¸ºæ•‘åº¦å¤©ä¸‹çš„ä¼—ç”Ÿè€Œæ”¾ç”Ÿã€‚æ”¾ç”Ÿï¼ŒäºŽå®¶ï¼ŒäºŽå›½ï¼ŒäºŽç¤¾ä¼šï¼Œéƒ½æ˜¯åŠŸå¾·æ— é‡�的事啊!!!
whole book on many true miracles stories that happen to people after they take up releasing animals activities.
Originally posted by Leogirldreamer:both of you are just posting articles from websites and have absolutely no idea what is animal release , yet both of you have the cheeks to give untrue facts about people waiting in Singapore to catch the fish release, people are releasing goldfish in sea and rabbit in forests. All sorts of non-sense.
I have at least photos of the kelong release which i have post here and my personal experiences to share here. What do both of you have? lies and assumption of how people release animals. Also ignorance of what is pets discarded by owners and the real buddhist ceremony.
Finally dragg, i know you are not a Singaporean, so stop flaming a topic here when you know nothing about Singapore ( make my toes laugh when you have to apologise for assuming temples sell animals for release and accusing temples of doing so )
Last but not least, i am glad none of you are actually Singaporeans when you both are just opening your mouth to insult others without any wisdom to share here. At least have the decency to shut your mouth on a topic both of you have no experiences in and still have the stupidity to laugh at others for being kind.
let me summarized.
whatever we said we have to show you evidence. what do you expect? a photograph or video shoot of someone asking me if i want to release animals in the temple. same for the kelong thing for the other guy?
can you provide evidence of the birds you released?
i posted articles on animal release and you said its propaganda. what about those you just posted? those are facts?
so everything you say is the truth and carved in stones. hence, no proof required.
all articles against animal release is propaganda. all articles supporting animal release are facts.
why the double standard?
btw, we can all learn something valuable from these exchanges.
whenever someone say something negative, on purpose or otherwise, about religious matters either ignore them or explain nicely. if you cant control your emotions you should refrain.
dont call names. dont tell people to shut up or get lost. and dont call people liars.
its very unbecoming of religious people to talk that way. its bad enough for an atheist to do that. its doubly bad if you are religious. and its even worst if you are a buddhist.
coz we all know what buddhism is all about. one of the most basic teachings of buddhism is to control your mouth is it not?
i made you toes laugh when i apologized? i apologized not because i was sprouting rubbish but because i cant provide evidence for something i dont have.
at least you can laugh. i cant even laugh over your refusal to admit your weakness.
Originally posted by the Bear:
what are you trying to tell us?
Originally posted by dragg:what are you trying to tell us?
seems like someone is mindlessly thinking that "releasing animals is good"
that's what some morons did in the US and caused a few ecological disasters.. the fish you see there? asian carp in a US river... they don't belong there... the fish ate everything in the river system and caused an environmental collapse...
same thing with the snakehead fish...
closer to home, same thing happened here on a smaller scale with terrapins or red-earred sliders.. the aggressive terrapins decimated the local Malayan Box Turtle population.. the local turtle is now probably extinct...
look in the water system here you'll see introduced species like the peacock bass and the cichlid, all "released" for "good karma" or some shit like that... they went on to decimate the local species...
"miracles from releasing"?
do it only when you know what you are doing.. not some uneducated deluded self-created dogma to follow...
Originally posted by the Bear:seems like someone is mindlessly thinking that "releasing animals is good"
that's what some morons did in the US and caused a few ecological disasters.. the fish you see there? asian carp in a US river... they don't belong there... the fish ate everything in the river system and caused an environmental collapse...
same thing with the snakehead fish...
closer to home, same thing happened here on a smaller scale with terrapins or red-earred sliders.. the aggressive terrapins decimated the local Malayan Box Turtle population.. the local turtle is now probably extinct...
look in the water system here you'll see introduced species like the peacock bass and the cichlid, all "released" for "good karma" or some shit like that... they went on to decimate the local species...
"miracles from releasing"?
do it only when you know what you are doing.. not some uneducated deluded self-created dogma to follow...
You beat me to this Bear
I do not avocate releasing animals into the wild as well. A lot of our local species are extinct or nearly extinct due to this practice.
Most of the fishes you see in the reseviors are NOT native species at all because our native fishes and turtles have all become food for the non-native species released into the wild.
But if she releases the animals, isn't that upsetting the ecology of the reservoir?
The frogs might not survive the environment too. There are fishes (predators) or they might get caught in trash or get stepped on by humans.
Isn't it unwise to release animals in captivity into the "wild"?
Almost all these animals will die.
I hope more people make merit in other ways.
Originally posted by Fcukpap:hence, the birth of vegetarianism...
vegetarianism is not born due to this le.... :)
i agree if one don't have wisdom to do it, make merit in other ways. Almost all these animals die or not all depends on the wisdom of the person. thing is, don't releases all will die too. imagine if one is in captivity, do u like?
One good way to do life release is to go to places where people normally fish, buy and release the fish that they caught. These are wild fish, not captive ones. Spend your sunday morning time going to east coast park do life release will be very meaningful.
Originally posted by justdoit77:One good way to do life release is to go to places where people normally fish, buy and release the fish that they caught. These are wild fish, not captive ones. Spend your sunday morning time going to east coast park do life release will be very meaningful.
Good suggestion. By the fishes would have been hooked and injured? Will they survive?
Originally posted by Tcmc:justdoit77
Good suggestion. By the fishes would have been hooked and injured? Will they survive?
I only choose those still alive one, some are still very lively, some even though injured, but I usually dont give up on them.
Originally posted by justdoit77:I only choose those still alive one, some are still very lively, some even though injured, but I usually dont give up on them.
Might as well preach to the anglers not to fish?
Can you do it?